1. ability; faculty
Pitch accent
Composed of
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
strength; power; proficiency; ability
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
extra-sensory perception; ESP; psi; psychokinesis; PK
potential; latent faculties; potential capacities
Examples (52 in total)
Man has the ability to talk.
She was in doubt about the ability of her husband.
I've reached the limits of my ability.
This isn't any ordinary ability.
I have every confidence in his ability.
I want to make sure I'm not overestimating my abilities.
We have the ability to remember.
We have the ability to memorize information.
It was because she had faith in his capabilities.
I have much confidence in my ability.
I don't have much faith in his ability.
He showed exceptional ability in mathematics.
You must work according to your ability.
His ability in English is above average.
John has confidence in his ability.
I will do my duty to the best of my ability.
It is not her looks that is important but her ability.
Our debt is more than we can pay.
Cats have the ability to see in the dark.
He has the ability to make a good plan.
Jane is not capable of learning from experience.
Ted doesn't have the competence to teach English.
I have confidence in his abilities.
He has the ability to do the work.
He has the ability to do the job.
It is not her ability, but her character that is at issue.
Understanding this book is beyond my capacity.
His abilities were not appreciated in that school.
I trust his executive ability.
The President is capable of handling the difficulties.
He has the ability to carry out big plans.
Man has a great capacity to adapt to environmental changes.
Tom appreciates modern art.
In practice, ability counts for more than effort.
She tends to underestimate her own ability.
Education aims to develop potential abilities.
The machine learning industry pursues the improvement of our predictive ability.
I doubt his abilities even though I'll admit he is honest.
Man is different from animals in that he has the faculty of speech.
He doesn't have the ability to do the work properly.
He developed his English skill while he was in America.
At first their abilities are more limited than those of animals.
Ability to operate a computer is critical for this job.
She has the ability to speak and write French.
The governor is capable of handling his current difficulties.
This will be a good opportunity for me to use my language skills to my advantage.
My boss has the ability to read books very fast.
We decided to employ men of ability irrespective of their experience.
Ability is the only factor considered in promoting employees.
The most valuable skill one can acquire is the ability to think for oneself.
I tried to convince him that I was perfectly capable of it.
There's no denying his ability as a pitcher, but he is rather injury-prone.