1. clique; group; coterie
2. (political) faction; wing; party; camp
3. school
4. sect; denomination
Kanji used
belonging to a group
Pitch accent
Top 2300
Used in vocabulary (159 in total)
clique; faction
school (e.g. of ikebana)
opposition faction
minority group (party); minority
orthodox school
different school (e.g. of ikebana)
radical party; extremists
sect; denomination; school (e.g. of poetry)
moderate faction; moderates
hard-liners; diehards; hawks
hard-liners; diehards; (young) man with traditionally masculine interests; tough boy; hard news; reporter who covers political and economic affairs
school; sect
majority group (party, faction)
dispatch of troops; despatch of troops
faction; party; clique
sect; denomination
left wing
supporting faction
people with a pure and innocent image (esp. actresses, singers, etc.)
radical faction or group
old school; old style
reformist group
dissidents; people who are against the Establishment; anti-Establishment groups
romantic school; romanticism
classical school or style (e.g. of music, baseball pitching, etc.); orthodox school; authentic style; purist; follower of the orthodox school
(actor) relying on acting skills (rather than good looks, etc.)
dog person
both groups; both factions
cat person
supporters of the shogun
royalists; royalist faction
classical school
faction; denomination; communion
active people; doers; people who get things done
social awareness (e.g. in fiction)
hawks; hardline faction; hardliner
each party; each faction; all sects
unique type; one of a kind
sending out; dispatching; despatching
Imperial Way Faction (of the Imperial Japanese Army)
the symbolist school
Control Faction (of the Imperial Japanese Army)
postwar generation
anti-mainstream faction; fringe group; dissident group
dispatch; despatch
the other group
Presbyterian Church; Presbyterians
Shia (Islam)
various parties or factions; minor parties
war party; warmonger
one's own faction (of a party)
Sunni (Islam)
the skeptics (in philosophy) (sceptics)
pro-Japanese group; Japanophiles
the Essenes
dove; moderate; soft-liner
the war generation
aesthetic school
middle-of-the-roaders; neutralists; independents
separatists; secessionists
Nikaya (early sectarian) Buddhism
the reactionaries
school of painting
Honganji sect (of Shin Buddhism)
same sect; same faction
Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee; JRCL; (lit.) Middle Core Faction; Japanese far-left revolutionary group
Buraiha (post-WWII group of dissolute Japanese writers); Decadent School
the Sadducees
prewar generation
middle-of-the-roaders; neutrals
Yogacara (school); Yogachara
historical school (of economics)
Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
romantic school; romanticism
transcendentalists; Parnassians
Fauvism; the Fauvists
Sunni (Islam); Sunnah
Nestorian sect (of Christianity)
Otani sect (of Shin Buddhism)
dove; moderate; soft-liner
Flemish school (of art)
the avant-garde
belonging to no party or school of thought
hawks; hardline faction; hardliner
Wahhabism; Wahabism (orthodox Sunni sect of Islam)
branch of languages (i.e. Italic languages as a subset of Indo-European languages)
group that is knowledgeable about Japan
Satanic school
pleinairism; pleinairisme; cult of the open air; painter of pleinairisme; pleinairist
Germanic (branch of languages)
Seizan sect (of Pure Land Buddhism)
hawks; hardline faction; hardliner
dove; moderate; soft-liner
Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
Maoist group
Druze; Druse; Islamic sect primarily found in Syria and Lebanon
Druze; Druse; Islamic sect primarily found in Syria and Lebanon
Ismailism; branch of Shia Islam
ordinary language school (of analytic philosophy)
Twelver Shiism (branch of Shia Islam)
Nikai faction (of the Liberal Democratic Party); Shisuikai
Shinto Shūsei-ha (sect of Shinto)
Komura Faction (of the LDP)
Charvaka (ancient school of Indian materialism); Lokayata
Yamamoto sect (of Shin Buddhism); Sangen sect
Yamamoto sect (of Shin Buddhism); Sangen sect
Flemish school (of music)
neoclassical school (of economics)
vaccine opponent; anti-vaxxer
Sanmonto sect (of Shin Buddhism)
Sanmonto sect (of Shin Buddhism)
Sanchō Sect (of the Fuji School of Nichiren Buddhism; 1661-1673 CE)
Omuro (sect of Shingon Buddhism)
Kibe sect (of Shin Buddhism)
Albanian (branch of languages)
Armenian (branch of languages)
Iranian (branch of languages)
Indonesian (branch of languages)
Celtic (branch of languages)
Tai languages; Zhuang-Tai languages
Mongolic (branch of languages)
Consciousness-Only School (of Buddhism); Yogacara
Yamasaki Faction (of the LDP)
Chisan sect (of Shingi Shingon Buddhism); Chizan sect
Chisan sect (of Shingi Shingon Buddhism); Chizan sect
Machimura Faction (of the LDP)
Alawi; Islamic mystical group centred in Syria
Alevism; Alevi
Alevism; Alevi
Alevism; Alevi
(the) Cynics
Sevener Shiism; branch of Shia Islam
blue-stocking ladies
advocates of protection of the Constitution; supporter of the current Constitution
Ibuki Faction (of the LDP)
Tsushima Faction (of the LDP)
dispatching to the US; despatching to the US
Examples (6 in total)
I'm a cat person.
Are you a coffee or a tea drinker?
Which party do you belong to?