Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. abolition; repeal
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
abolition of the death penalty; abolition of capital punishment
abolition of slavery
Examples (25 in total)
The death penalty was done away with last year.
The death penalty should be abolished.
Such a custom should be done away with.
We should do away with this regulation.
Such a bad custom should be done away with.
He advocated abolishing class distinctions.
That school is going to do away with uniforms.
The school should do away with the uniform.
We should do away with these old rules.
When was that law abolished?
The government should do away with these regulations.
Lincoln set out to abolish slavery in the United States.
It's about time we did away with this outdated law.
Those old laws were all done away with.
The death penalty had been done away with in many states in the USA.
The university decided to do away with this kind of examination.
The new law has done away with the long-standing custom.
The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.
They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical.
I am of the opinion that the tax should be abolished.
Our school administration decided to do away with that school rule.
Society must do away with laws which cause racial discrimination.
An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment.
America abolished slavery in 1863.
The crime of adultery was abolished in 1947.