1. tile
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
safe tile; tile that may be discarded without risking benefiting an opponent; no-risk choice; easily handled person
safe tile; tile that may be discarded without risking benefiting an opponent; no-risk choice; easily handled person
safe tile; tile that may be discarded without risking benefiting an opponent; no-risk choice; easily handled person
score sheet
score sheet
dragon tiles
shuffling of tiles; cleaning mahjong tiles
gold medal; gold badge
dragon tiles
shuffling of tiles
winning tile
winning tile
silver medal; silver badge
suited tiles
flower tile
suited tiles
flower tile
bamboo tile; tile made out of bamboo
bamboo tile; tile made out of bamboo
tiles matching one's seat wind
value honor; round wind, seat wind, and dragon tiles
dora tile; special tile that increases the han value of a hand
wall; wall tiles
tile accidentally or mistakenly shown to other players
white dragon tile
wall; wall tiles
tile accidentally or mistakenly shown to other players
white dragon tile
paifang (Chinese architectural arch or gateway)