Verb (する)
1. judgment; judgement; decision; conclusion; adjudication
2. divination
3. judgement
Pitch accent
Composed of
seal; stamp; judgment; judgement; size (of paper or books)
decision; judgment; resolution
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
judgment; judgement; discernment
evaluation criteria; evaluation standard
basis for decision; evidence for judging
one's assessment of the situation
error of judgment; miscalculation
using one's own judgement; making up one's own mind; judging for oneself
value judgement; value judgment
layperson's judgment (opinion)
interpretation of dreams; dream reading; oneirocriticism; The Interpretation of Dreams (book by Sigmund Freud, 1900)
fortunetelling based on writing or pronunciation of one's name
political judgement; political decision
character assessment; personality analysis
suspension of judgement (judgment)
judicial ruling; judicial decision; judgment; judgement
discrimination of right and wrong; distinguishing between right and wrong
commonsense judgement
economic assessment
diffusion index; DI; business sentiment index
categorical judgment (judgement)
hypothetical judgment (judgement)
disjunctive judgment (judgement)
decision symbol
decision instruction
Examples (49 in total)
I can't judge distance.
You are correct in your judgement.
You can't judge happiness in terms of money.