Adjective (な)
Verb (する)
1. criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
Pitch accent
Composed of
fault; error; going poorly; being disadvantageous; un-; non-
difficulty; trouble; accident; disaster; fault; defect
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
to regard someone with odium; to look at someone with reproach
enraged outcry; loud protest; being bitterly criticized by others; being loudly denounced by others
to heap abuse upon (a person); to criticize strongly; to blast (someone)
Examples (27 in total)
He was denounced as a coward.
Don't accuse others for your own failure.
They were criticizing each other.
The reporter criticized the politician.
The government's actions were condemned worldwide.
He charged me with dishonesty.
He censured me for what I had done.
He blamed the failure on his brother.
Why do you accuse my son?
I don't mind being criticized when I'm wrong.
The man charged me with being irresponsible.
The coach accused us of not doing our best.
The ruling party is running a smear campaign against the opposition.
He was accused of stealing dinosaur bones.
We criticized her for her behavior.
The two boys began to blame each other.
They accused him of stealing the bicycle.
They blamed the driver for the accident.
His behavior was often a target of criticism.
He criticized me for neglecting my duty.
It is no use blaming him for the accident now.
He blamed the man for stealing.
We criticized the photographer for not rescuing the child first.
As for the accusations of heresy, here the evidence is much weaker.
The peace talks failed again, with both sides blaming the other for the failure.
The allies condemned the invasion as a violation of UN resolutions.
Hinata criticized her teacher unfairly and the teacher became sick.