Adjective (の)
1. illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; sickness
2. bad habit; bad behaviour; weakness; failing
Adjective (の)
3. crazy; insane; disturbed; sick in the head
Pitch accent
Composed of
disease; -pathy
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
to fall ill; to be taken ill
to contract a disease
get-well card (gift, letter); visit to (inquiry after) a sick person
Examples (200 in total)
Were you sick?
I didn't know she was sick.
You were sick.
I am sick.
I've recovered from my illness.
That's not an illness.
I think she is sick.
He was ill, so he couldn't come.
He may have been ill.
I wonder if he's really sick.
Her son is sick.
He can't be ill.
His illness is critical.
Ann seems to be ill.
He was sick, but he went to school.
He must have been ill.
It's too bad she's ill.
It seems that Jack is sick.
He was sick last week.
At first, I thought I was sick.
Laura may have been sick.
He's pale because he's sick.
I know Tom has been sick.
He has been sick for a long time.
Filth breeds illnesses.
I heard that Robert is ill.
Tom wasn't able to take the exam because he was sick.
Fever indicates sickness.
The old woman was sick in bed.
It's a disease that can't be prevented.
She was unable to come because of illness.
It's true that he's ill.
She seems to be sick.
I couldn't go to work because I was sick.
I never thought that he could be ill.
Am I sick, Doctor?
I didn't go to school because I was sick.
He may be sick in bed.
It was because I was ill that I couldn't go to school yesterday.
The whole family was sick in bed.
In fact, he is sick.
Her mother is not aware of her illness.
The dog seems to have been sick.
She has completely recovered from her illness.
My brother must be sick.
I am tired, from sickness and work.
A curious disease struck the town.
I've completely recovered.
Judging from his appearance, he is ill.
Disease is a threat to human beings.
The disease is prevalent in the area.
My uncle has completely recovered from his illness.
She pretended that she was sick.
These are common diseases of children.
He was sick, so he did not go out.
The cause of this illness is stress.
The patient will soon recover from his illness.
His illness may be cancer.
Doctors are fighting against disease.
The disease is still in the primary stage.
He is confined to his house by illness.
The patient finally conquered his illness.
I know that Marco has been sick.
He remains sick in bed.
She cares for her sick mother.
The sovereign completely recovered from his illness.
I've completely recovered from my illness.
She has been sick since last Wednesday.
Many diseases result from poverty.
Do you take any medication for any medical issues?
My father is still ill in bed.
The cause of Tom's illness was overeating.
He resigned on the grounds that he was ill.
The patient is recovering from his illness.
He talked about her illness.
Being sick, I had to stay home.
What do you usually do when you get sick?
He could not come because he was ill.
My daughter is often sick.
He had not even known that she was sick.
Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go there.
He was ill, so they were quiet.
His illness resulted from drinking too much.
He could not come because of his serious illness.
He said he was sick, but that was a lie.
It seems obvious that he is sick.
Since my mother was sick, I stayed home from school.
I think she is sick. She has a temperature.
I've never been sick since I was a child.
There has been a lot of sickness in my family this winter.
My father was clearly afraid of his illness.
I didn't go to the party because I was sick.
The girl went to school in spite of her illness.
It's because I want to help sick people.
At present, the cause of the disease is unknown.
The doctor cured her of her disease.
Owing to illness, he could not come with us.
Let's keep it secret that he is ill.
His illness was mainly psychological.
I often got sick when I was a kid.
Illness prevented me from going abroad.
Illness prevented me from attending the party.
Illness often results from drinking too much.
That child is sick and has been in the hospital since last Sunday.
She cared for her sick mother.
Thousands of people became victims of this disease.
I hear he has been ill since last month.
The doctor can cure your son of the disease.
Can Bob be sick?
Mary and I were ill in bed yesterday.
Mary has been ill in bed since last Monday.
We are faced with new kinds of diseases.
Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go to the concert.
She devoted herself to her sick mother.
High fever is a prominent symptom of this disease.
Not only Jim but his parents are sick.
He was very old and ill.
The rock concert was called off because the singer fell ill.
While he was sick, he lost a lot of weight.
It is said that the disease has been spreading.
Mr Brown was sick at the time.
Last night his father passed away because of his illness.
Illness made him give up his studies.
Mother has been sick since last Thursday.
He visited a sick friend who was in the hospital.
He's ill. That's why he's not here.
My father being sick, I had to stay home.
I'm very concerned about her illness.
My tree looks sick. I wonder what's wrong with it.
We know very little about the cause of this disease.
He showed great courage during his illness.
My father has never been sick in his life.
To my relief he recovered from his illness.
The doctor is looking for medicine that is effective for this illness.
The people in the village fell ill one after another.
He said his father was ill, which was a lie.
"Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not."
We know the value of good health when we are sick.
How does this disease spread?
He managed the company while his father was ill.
My mother was very weak from a long illness.
I'm sure she'll get over her illness soon.
He seems to have been ill for a long time.
Richard said his mother was ill, which is a lie.
Illness prevented him from attending the meeting.
He seldom gets sick because he is careful about his health.
I have been ill in bed since last Friday.
My goldfish looks sick. I wonder what's wrong with it.
Too much stress can lead to physical disease.
His illness dashed all his hopes.
I hope she will get over her disease.
The meeting was put off because John was sick.
Tom had to cancel his lecture because he was sick.
I was absent last Tuesday on account of illness.
His illness comes of drinking too much.
The fact that she is ill worries me a lot.
You should take care of your sick mother.
He cooked meals for himself when his wife was sick.
No medicine can cure this disease.
It stands to reason that he can't work hard after a long illness.
She went in search of a doctor for her sick baby.
The boy pretended to be too sick to go to school.
No matter how bad it gets, she won't die from that disease.
I had to decline the invitation because I was sick.
It took John about two weeks to get over his illness.
The boy was absent from school yesterday because of illness.
Like most diseases, it has its own symptoms.
Mary and her sister took turns at looking after their sick mother.
We could not bear to listen to the sick child's pathetic cries.
I haven't heard from him of late. I hope he is not sick.
The doctor is a great authority on children's diseases.
You must take into account the fact that she was ill.
Seeing that he is still sick, he is unlikely to come today.
She said she was sick yesterday, which was not true.
I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.
To prevent the disease from spreading quickly was not an easy task.
I had to have my brother help me with my homework due to illness.
If I had known about your illness, I could have visited you in the hospital.
What with fresh air and proper exercise, he recovered from his illness quickly.
If I'd known about his illness, I would've visited him in the hospital.
Cancer is not one but more than a hundred distinct diseases.
Her courage during her illness is an inspiration to us all.
Jill was a great comfort to me when I was ill.
Europe is now reported to be entirely free of new cases of this disease.
In medical research, one of the first problems is to isolate the cause of the disease.
When people came out of the factory in the evening, their faces looked white and ill.
I think that Yumi is sick.
Sickness empties the wallet.
Jane is sick in bed.
He has been ill for the past few days.
He has been sick in bed for a week.
She was in the hospital for six weeks because of her illness.
He has been sick in bed this past week.
She has been looking after her sick sister for ten years.
His illness is one of my anxieties.
My mother has been sick for two days.
His mother said that he had been sick in bed for five weeks.
I saw Michel last week. He'd been sick for a week.
Frank can't have been ill. He was playing tennis all day.
His mother said that he had been ill in bed for five weeks.