1. sharing; division
2. draw; tie
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (38 in total)
helping a long-term employee to establish a branch of the same shop
especially; above all; inter alia; among others
division of labour; division of labor; splitting into groups (e.g. to search)
draw (in competition); tie game
above all; especially; particularly; all the more
share; portion; quota; cut
equal division (of profits, prize money, etc.); equal split
classification; assortment; assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
division; section; demarcation; (traffic) lane; compartment; classification
reasonableness (esp. of children); obedience
match declared drawn due to injury
divide; parting; carrying two bundles tied together over one's shoulder; hair parted in the middle
classification; color coding; colour coding; color keying; colour keying; differentiation using different colors (colours)
division into groups; separation into classes (e.g. of schoolchildren according to ability)
proper use; using (different things) for different purposes
habitat isolation; compartmentalization; segregation; isolation
distinction; favoritism; favouritism; discrimination
dividing line; parting (of the hair); partition; crisis
dissection; autopsy
distribution of mementos
side parting; hair parted to one side
root division
pathfinder; trailblazer; early settler; pioneer; founder; originator
gender preselection; selection of the sex of offspring
center part (hairstyle); middle part
sharing; division
dividing a plant's roots for transplanting
sharing with others what has been given to you; sharing a portion of the profit with others
dyed in various colors; dyed in various colours
selling separately
distinctive ring tones
equal split; splitting evenly