Verb (する)
1. classification; categorization; sorting
Kanji used
kind (of something)
Pitch accent
Top 7500
Composed of
part; portion; amount; worth (as in "two days' worth"); one's means; one's place; one's duty
kind; sort; type; similar example; parallel; the like
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
classification system; classification method
taxonomy; science of classification
classificatory criterion
classified table; classification table
biological classification
biological classification
classified catalog; classified catalogue
class symbol; class mark
part-of-speech classification
phylogenetic classification; phylogenetic taxonomy
artificial classification
natural classification
subclass; subdivision
classifier (in Japanese and Chinese linguistics)
Examples (8 in total)
Whales are classified as mammals.
He finished sorting the papers.
One can classify books into good ones and bad ones.