1. sentence
2. composition; text; writings
3. the literary arts (as opposed to the military arts); academia; literature
4. statement
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (261 in total)
example sentence; illustrative sentence; model sentence
variant (in a manuscript or book); part of a text that differs from other versions
culture; civilization; civilisation; Bunka era (1804.2.11-1818.4.22)
writing style
elegant (literary) style
literature; the arts; art and literature; liberal arts
elegant or refined style
department (faculty) of literature
literary and military arts; the pen and the sword
type picking; anthology; selection of literary works
literary master
Russian text; text written in Russian; Russian literature; Russian literature faculty
civilization; civilisation; culture; Bunmei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20)
text (of a book, document, etc.); body (of a letter); this passage; this sentence
humanities, social sciences, and fine arts; liberal arts
original text
English writing; English sentence; English text; English literature; English lit
translated sentence; translated passage; translation; version; rendering
unwritten; illiterate; uneducated; poor writing
literary matters
writing; composition; essay; sentence
civil official
thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
document; writing; letter; papers; notes; records
content of a letter
person of letters; literary person
wording (esp. of written text)
writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition; formal writing with little real meaning
context (of a passage); line of thought; context; environment; circumstances
inscription; epitaph; epigraph
scholar of literature; literary person; man of letters; writer
literary style; form of (written) language (e.g. classical, modern)
correspondence; exchange of letters
long sentence; long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram)
literary world; literary circles
man of letters; literary man
explanatory note
Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics; writing composed entirely of kanji
cryptogram; cipher text
modern Japanese; current written style
written apology; written statement of regret
preface; foreword; introduction
whole passage; full text; whole sentence; full paragraph
written description of one's thoughts
text; provisions (act, treaty)
literary talent
fixed phrase; canned phrase; standard wording; template; boilerplate
in the sentence; in the text; Bunchū era (of the Southern Court) (1372.4.?-1375.5.27)
descriptive (narrative) part
educational policies or administration; Bunsei era (1818.4.22-1830.12.10)
verse; poetry
short sentence; short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition)
Japanese puppet theatre (theater); bunraku
humanities; liberal arts; social science; literary course; department of literature
Kanbun era (1661.4.25-1673.9.21)
threatening letter; intimidating letter
famous literary composition
same text; same wording; same script; same language
poetry and prose; literature; literary works
end of a sentence
(the products of) culture or civilization (civilisation)
short essay; pamphlet; tract
Bunten exhibition; art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education (antecedent of the Nitten exhibition)
the above sentence; the foregoing remark; preamble (to a statute, constitution, etc.); opening part of a letter (used for season's greetings, asking after someone's health, etc.)
civil administration
written appeal; manifesto; declaration
introductory essay
meaning of a sentence
the text; the main clause; the main part of a document
interrogative sentence
proclamation; statement
official document; archives
humanity; civilization; civilisation; culture
humanities and sciences; social sciences and hard sciences; context; (line of) reasoning
written protest
Bunroku era (1592.12.8-1596.10.27)
phrase; clause; basic linguistic unit in Japanese grammar
poor piece of writing; my poor writing
Minister of Education, Science and Culture
imperative sentence; imperative statement
written language; literary language; classical (or formal) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
travel writing; travel piece; traveller's journal; traveler's journal
password; secret spell; secret phrase
greeting phrase (in letter, etc.); salutation
circular (document); circulating letter; palindrome
draft (of a document)
legal provisions; verse
Japanese text; sentence in Japanese
Bachelor of Arts; BA; B.A.
flowery prose
judgment paper; judgement paper
text of the law
literary miscellany
plain text; unciphered text
plain text; unciphered text
(enervating) attraction to books or learning
main text (as opposed to any included commentary or annotations); authentic text (e.g. of a treaty, as opposed to any translation not specified as authentic); Chinese classical literature
Japanese writing; Japanese text
education; culture
unification of the written and spoken forms of a language
English composition
writing in a European language; European text; Roman letters
start of a sentence, phrase, etc.
sample sentence
Genbun era (1736.4.28-1741.2.27)
explicit statement (e.g. law); express provision
literary theory
Tenbun era (1532.7.29-1555.10.23)
a sentence; one sentence; (short) piece of writing
report to the throne
responsibility for wording of an article
bad style; poor writing
lost work; lost writings; partially lost work; literary fragment; work of a superior quality
compound sentence; sentenced formed of two independent clauses; important cultural property; important cultural asset
civil and military officers
draft; draft proposal
writing composed entirely of kana; kana text
writing (style)
translation; piece of translated writing; translated sentence
French; French writing; French literature
dead letter
Bunna era (of the Northern Court) (1352.9.27-1356.3.28); Bunwa era
art and literature
negative sentence
colloquial writing; text written in a spoken form of the language
declarative statement
word picture
simple sentence
afterword; epilogue; postscript
literary fame
this thesis; this article; the article under consideration
Chinese bronze inscriptions; type of lettering used on metal objects, especially in China during the Yin and Zhou dynasties
poor writing
cultural progress; advance of the arts
unpunctuated Chinese texts
Chinese language (written); Chinese literature
inscription; epitaph; composing the text for an inscription, usu. an epitaph
modern literature
classical style
written resolution
flavor of literary style; flavour of literary style
phrases, etc. at the ends of letters, etc.
poor writing; bad writing; rambling prose
official terminology
doctor of literature
the style is the man; the style is the man himself
figure of speech
Western word or sentence; word created by translating components of a Western word
epistolary style; style of written correspondence
dead letter; meaningless writing
written contribution; submission (to a newspaper, online forum, etc.)
mixed writing of literary Japanese and Chinese
skilled in writing
affirmative sentence
Bunshō era (1466.2.28-1467.3.5)
German literature; German sentence
text written in literary style
personal letter; epistolary style
descriptive composition
continued statement
annotation; explanatory note
conditional statement
(piece of) writing in colloquial style; vulgar writing
complex sentence; sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause
transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese
end of a sentence; sentence final
Sanskrit writing; Sanskrit text; Sanskrit scripture; scripture in Sanskrit characters
document name
narration; description
the foregoing; the forgoing
difficult sentence
civil official (esp. dealing with literary matters)
Bun'ō era (1260.4.13-1261.2.20)
epistolary style; epistolary phrase
assignment statement
statement label
input sentence; input statement
eight-legged essay (classical Chinese style of essay writing)
seal script character
Japanese literature; Japanese writing; Japanese text
business correspondence
epigraph on a stone monument; ancient inscriptions on monuments
(Edo-period) humorous literature
force of a literary style
subject; theme
missing passage; lacuna
anthology; literary world; collection of literary masterpieces
abridged sentence
transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese
Master of Arts; MA
executable statement
inverted sentence
addendum (to a treaty or contract); annex; annexure; subordinate clause
Heian-period kana writing
oracle bone script
lettering of an engraving
mixed writing (kanji and kana)
missing part (of manuscript)
responsive readings
Japanese shubunkin goldfish variety
commercial correspondence
review sentences
parenthetic sentence
easily misunderstood sentence; garden-path sentence; (lit.) cul-de-sac sentence
empty statement
stone inscription; epigraphy
(Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
kanji "literature" radical (radical 67)
exclamatory sentence; exclamation
exclamatory sentence; exclamation
sentential negation; sentence negation; statement negation
ungrammatical sentence
basic statement
public text
arithmetic statement
nonexecutable statement
entity text
procedure branching statement
replacement text
input-output statement
delimited scope statement
compound statement
statement keyword
statement label
statement function
text identifier
document architecture; document body
statement entity
compiler directing statement
imperative statement; unconditional statement
compound-complex sentence
ungrammatical sentence
passive sentence
passive sentence
normal style of writing; modern Japanese text; text written in literary style with mixed kanji and kana (until the Taisho era)
searching with natural language; natural sentence search
word form used in literary language
the pen is mightier than the sword
funeral eulogy; memorial address
kanbun converted into literary Japanese
kanbun converted into literary Japanese
Examples (55 in total)
I changed the sentence.
Is my sentence correct?
Should I change the sentence?