1. line; row; rank; list
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
and (also); both ... and; as well as
to stand in a line; to stand in a row; to be equal
unparalleled; unparallelled; unequaled; unequalled; unique
someone who has a title but no real duty; useless person; actor playing a daimyo who merely sets the scene as part of the background (in kabuki)
going along with something; following the crowd; treating something in an equal or egalitarian manner
row of teeth; set of teeth; dentition
to reorganize; to rearrange; to put (things) in order
unparalleled; unparallelled; unequaled; unequalled; unique
identifier reference list
attribute specification list
attribute definition list
attribute (specification) list
alignment line
Examples (1 in total)
All you have to do to secure a seat is to wait in line.