Verb (5-dan, く, intransitive)
1. to walk
Pitch accent
Top 20000
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
to go out; to go around; to walk about; to roam
to carry around; to carry on one's person
to wander; to roam from place to place
to loiter around; to wander about
to wander from place to place; to change jobs
to parade; to march; to walk in procession
to walk around; to travel around
to swagger
to walk about
to visit one place after another without plan or effect; to gallivant about
to walk with; to make someone tag along; to carry around (esp. a child); to carry about
to peddle (goods); to hawk
to go bar-hopping; to go on a pub crawl
to walk heavily and clumsily; to lumber
to wander about
to gad about; to gallivant; to wander aimlessly; to walk around restlessly
Examples (200 in total)
She walks.
They walked.
It's a short walk.