1. (written) report
Pitch accent
Composed of
report; information
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
report generation; report writing; report writer
annual securities report; asset securities reports
Examples (27 in total)
Have you sent in your report?
I read your report.
This report is not perfect.
I wrote this report.
Are you the one who wrote that report?
Help me write this report.
I've finished typing the report.
Unfortunately, the report is correct.
He had his secretary type the report.
I'm looking over his report.
I look forward to your comments on the report.
This report is free from errors.
Make a copy of this report.
Take a look at this report.
The report was sent within the same day.
There are few mistakes in your report.
He was busy collecting stuff for his report.
Since I wrote the report in a hurry, it had many mistakes.
He hasn't yet turned in the report this month.
You have to hand in your report on Monday.
He is busy typing the reports.
What was their reaction to the report?
I told her to quickly finish the report.
He was rebuked for writing such a rough report.
Attention should be paid to even the smallest detail of the report.
Tom didn't even look at the report that Mary gave him.
On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it.