1. law; act; principle
2. method
3. mood
4. dharma; law
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (666 in total)
method; process; manner; way; means; technique
magic; witchcraft; sorcery; spell
Buddhist priest; bonze; layman dressed like a priest; person
Examples (22 in total)
The law should not be violated.
A new law has come into existence.
This is an ancient law.
Murder is against the law.
You have to abide by the laws.
The law is not always fair.
Her way of thinking was rational.
People who break the law are punished.
Everyone is equal before the law.
Respect for law is fundamental to our society.
Those cities have uniform traffic laws.
We must keep the law.
Your only remedy is to go to the law.
The British have a lot of respect for law and order.
I'll teach you how to drive a car.
The police are responsible for the maintenance of law and order.
They should be pardoned by the amnesty law.
She taught us singing.
Non-smokers are rallying behind the new anti-smoking law.
While we hate force, we recognize the need for law and order.
The existing law concerning car accidents requires amending.
The Horyuji is the oldest wooden building in the world.