Adjective (の)
1. legal; designated by law
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
legally permitted speed; national speed limit
legal heir; heir-at-law
statutory representative; legal representative
trigonometric addition formulas
nulla poena sine lege; no punishment without law
infectious disease requiring official reporting
statutory penalty
statutory interest; legal interest; interest set by law
minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate
legal currency
legal holiday; bank holiday
reserve requirement ratio; legal reserve ratio; required reserve ratio
required reserves; legal required reserves
legal reserve system (USA); reserve deposit requirement system
mint parity; mint par of exchange
statutory rape; sexual activity with a minor under the age of consent
legal capital; legal stock
malum prohibitum; unlawful act by virtue of statute
statutory health screening; compulsory health checkup
legal public property
non-legal public property; public property such as a road or lake that is not managed by the Ministry of Finance, oft. effectively in private hands