Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. disturbance; obstruction; hindrance; jamming; interference
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
interference with a public servant in the execution of his or her duties
disturbance of sleep; nuisance in the middle of the night
obstruction of business; interference with business
interference; obstruction; sabotage
(electronic) jamming
obstruction of business; interference with business; interference with somebody's duties
electromagnetic interference; EMI
interference (esp. in horse racing)
traffic obstruction
(crime of) obstruction; obstruction charge
obstruction of proceedings; filibuster
jammer (e.g. radio signals); interceptor (aircraft)
obstruction of justice
obstructive tactics; harassing tactics
denial of service
denial of service attack
Examples (1 in total)
He has no intention to interfere with your business.