foreign trade; external trade
licensed trade between Japan and Ming-dynasty China during the Muromachi period
Nanban trade; Japanese trade with Spain and Portugal (1543-1641)
international trade; foreign trade; overseas trade
international trade; international trading
transit trade; entrepôt trade
transit trade; entrepôt trade
amount of trade; trade volume
trade liberalization; trade liberalisation
trade with the United States
World Trade Organization (Organisation); WTO
trade between Japan and USA
one-sided trade; one way (unbalanced) trade
commodity shunting; roundabout trade
trade dispute; trade conflict; trade war
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
unlimited trade; unrestricted trade
intermediary trade; trade conducted via an agency
regional trade; intra-trade
degree of dependence on foreign trade
controlled trade; government-managed trade
ocean trade; trade by sea
balance on goods and services
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
multilateral trade negotiations; MTN
General Agreement on Trade in Services; GATS
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; TRIPS
Federal Trade Commission; FTC
Export Trade Control Order