Usually written in kana
1. still; as yet; only
2. (not) yet
with verb in the negative
3. more; (more) still
when read as "まだ"
4. at least; comparatively; relatively
when read as "まだ"
Adjective (な)
Usually written in kana
5. unfinished; incomplete; not yet done
when read as "まだ"
Pitch accent
Top 100
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
still; much more; (not) yet; still a long way to go; still a long way off; not there yet
rather; better
a very short while ago; very early (e.g. in the morning)
Examples (200 in total)
Are you still eating?
It's still moving.
Are you still scared?
I'm still reading.
He was still sleeping.
You're still angry, aren't you?
I'm still in a state of shock.
Are you still depressed?
I still want to be here.
He hasn't come yet.
Is it still there?
Do you still have it?
Wait, wait, don't go yet.
Are you still at home?
It's still a bit early.
He's still working.
He is still standing.
Why am I still alive?
Are you still waiting for someone?
I don't have any children yet.
If you want to do it, you still can.
I have no name yet.
No one has come yet.
Why are you still awake?
She hasn't turned up yet.
It is still fresh in my memory.
My legs are still shaking.
Is the game still going on?
The door was still open.
Are you still in bed?
My friend hasn't come back yet.
You're still young.
You're still not completely convinced, are you?
I don't have a car yet.
Are you two still dating?
The chair hasn't arrived yet.
It's still light outside.
He has not yet succeeded.
I'm still busy.
Wait! Don't shoot!
Are you still looking for your key?
He hasn't arrived yet.
No, I haven't written it yet.
My parents haven't come home yet.
It's not spring yet.
My hair is still wet.
Are you all still cold?
Don't tell anyone yet.
Are you still in school?
Are you still in college?
Hurry, there's still time!
Is the fire still burning?
The meeting hasn't yet finished.
The data hasn't been compiled yet.
The rice was still warm.
I still don't have a smartphone.
Will it still be hot tomorrow?
I haven't yet graduated.
The eggs are still hot.
Are you still sad?
The train hasn't arrived yet.
The bell hasn't rung yet.
The wound has not yet healed.
I haven't checked my email yet.
The clothes aren't dry yet.
Are you still at the office?
Are you still in high school?
Are you still not feeling well?
She hasn't come here yet.
I haven't heard that story yet.
Are you all still home?
I still want to go.
Are you still reading that book?
Why are you still at school?
He wants to see us again.
I still haven't decided where to go.
He doesn't yet know the truth.
Nobody has come up yet.
He is still not back from the mountains.
At that time, I was still awake.
The promise still holds.
Why are you still here?
I haven't received a reply yet.
I still love you.
The work is not finished yet.
The chances are that he is still in bed.
I haven't read your letter yet.
So, you're still pretty tired, aren't you?
I don't know for certain yet.
He has not come home yet, has he?
There's a lot, but it's still not enough.
Are you still afraid of the dark?
Are you still willing to help?
My parents are still young.
My brother is not yet in school.
Are you still in doubt about what I have said?
They are still seeking evidence.
She doesn't know the truth yet.
It's not your turn yet.
My luggage hasn't arrived yet.
The problem is not settled yet.
The missing cat has not been found yet.
Is this fish still alive?
Both of my parents are still living.
The garden is still in shadow.
He is still dependent on his parents.
Are you still friends with them?
She hasn't cleaned her room yet.
We still have a chance to win.
You still have enough time.
The water is still a little warm.
Our plans are not yet concrete.
The snake was still alive.
The wind still blows strongly.
Our baby isn't speaking yet.
I haven't finished my supper yet.
I haven't finished breakfast yet.
I haven't read today's newspaper yet.
I don't need that yet.
The wound still hurts me.
Do you still need my assistance?
She can't ride a bicycle yet.
What are you still doing here?
I still really like it.
There is no need for you to go yet.
He could still be alive somewhere.
I still don't understand how this happened.
You still love him, don't you?
"Have you finished?" "No, I haven't even started."
"Are you ready to go?" "Not yet. One minute."
Why are we still here?
I'm not used to the job yet.
As far as I know, she's not yet married.
I am a cat. I don't have a name yet.
I still love her.
My sister hasn't come home yet, so my mother is worried.
She believes her son is still alive.
But he doesn't know it yet.
She has not spoken to me yet.
I checked to make sure that he was still alive.
I still call my mother Mama.
I'm still angry because of her.
I hope there's still some bread left.
I don't want tonight to end yet.
At that time, I was still a student.
It's too cold to go to the sea yet.
I began to sing when I was a youngster.
"Has the rain stopped?" "No, it's still raining."
There's one still in my pocket.
I haven't decided yet whether I will attend the party.
There still is time until leaving.
I still don't understand how to do that.
I owe it to you that I am still alive.
Do you still love your husband?
I think I might join you, but I haven't decided yet.
We haven't yet discussed which method is better.
I still don't really understand what he said.
"Are you still mad at me?" "No, not at all."
The fact is that I haven't read the book yet.
I still have a lot of work to do.
I'm not strong enough to go to school yet.
Don't give up yet. I'm sure you can do it.
There are still a lot of dishes on the table.
They aren't children any more, but not adults yet.
I have never been inside this classroom.
Although my car is very old, it still runs very well.
The sun is out, but it's still cold outside.
I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll become a teacher.
I haven't had a chance to see that movie yet.
You still have much to learn.
My son is not old enough for school.
We haven't tried the drug out on humans yet.
He still hasn't returned the book he borrowed from the library.
It is yet to be seen whether this plan will succeed or not.
When the sisters came back, their mother was still awake.
Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't read it yet.
Are there any girls here you haven't met yet?
This is why she is still angry with me.
Everybody knows for a fact that he is still alive.
He said he would give me a call, but he hasn't yet.
He has yet to learn that he has become a father.
This is very important. Yet no one talks about it.
Was he still here when you arrived?
My father was still at home when I left.
I lent him some money, but he hasn't returned it yet.
He had the sensation that he was still on the waves.
I haven't read this new novel, and my sister hasn't either.
I haven't read the final page of the novel yet.
For all you say about him, I still like him.
I don't get why he isn't here yet.
Admitting what he says, I still think that he is in the wrong.
I told you guys to go home. Why are you still here?
His bag is right here, so he cannot have gone to school yet.
You must keep this plan a secret as there may be some changes yet.
Ken has not washed the car yet.
Harry is only 40.
My father is only fifteen years old.
She must still be in her twenties.
Does anyone know if the cafeteria is still open?
You've only been on the job for about 15 minutes.