Adjective (な)
1. safety; security; peace; quiet
2. safely; without incident; successfully
Adjective (な)
3. good health
4. inaction; ennui
Pitch accent
Composed of
un-; non-; bad ...; poor ...
individual concrete phenomenon (as opposed to a general principle)
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
(are you) alright?; (are you) OK?
tranquillity and peace; tranquility and peace; peaceful and uneventful
Everyone is safe (all right)
Examples (44 in total)
I'm relieved you're safe.
I'm so glad you're OK.
I arrived safe and sound this morning.
I'm glad that Tom is safe now.
Everyone on board was safe.
We carried out our mission successfully.
I'm glad you're OK.
She shouted that she was safe.
I'm glad you've returned safely.
She's worried about your safety.
I hope my kids are safe.
I was fortunate to escape unharmed.
The ship reached its destination in safety.
The fishing boat that had been missing returned to its port safely.
They rejoiced when they heard he was safe.
May you return home safe!
To my relief, he came home safe and sound.
He arrived here safely yesterday.
To our relief, he came back safe and sound.
Mr. Sato safely boarded the plane.
They arrived here safely yesterday.
I was relieved to hear that you had arrived safely.
I am sure of your son coming back safe and sound.
We were glad to hear that he got back safely.
He returned home safely, which pleased his parents.
She was thankful that her husband had returned safe.
There is no hope of his coming back safe.
They landed on an island safely yesterday.
I felt relieved when my plane landed safely.
People were delighted at the safe return of the astronauts.
It's great to see you got home safely. How was Australia?
To our great relief, she returned home safe and sound.
She was very pleased when her son returned home safe and sound.
The news of his safe arrival delighted his family.
John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe.
Helen telephoned me that she had arrived in London safely.
Great was her joy when her son returned back safely.
The next morning, to our great relief, he returned home safe and sound.
I am only too glad to hear that all of them are safe and sound in the rescue boat.
The mother will not be at ease until she hears of her son's safe arrival.
Susan has promised her mother that she will call her to let her know that they have arrived safely.
Keiko informed him of her safe arrival.
Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe.
The train arrived safely at the station a few minutes ago.