1. name
2. given name; first name
Pitch accent
Top 43400
Composed of
name; given name; title; fame; renown; pretext
in front (of); before (e.g. a building); before; earlier; (the) front; frontal part; forward
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
in name only; figurehead; (only) by name
appearing with one's (full) name; showing one's name (on a nameplate, etc.)
Examples (200 in total)
I don't want to tell you my name.
What's your name?
Input your name.
What is his name?
Your name was there.
I couldn't remember their names.
Enter your name.
I only wanted to know his name.
I know your names.
I have no name yet.
Isn't that a girl's name?
His is a strange name.
I can't remember all their names.
What's your dad's name?
You know his name, don't you?
I like that name.
It's a very common name.
Have you decided on a name for your baby?
My name is Marina.
I change my name every year.
My name is Sally.
My name's Alan.
My name is Emily.
What's the name of your insurance company?
That name is Ken.
My name is Henry.
That name struck a chord.
What is your child's name?
My name is Robin.
Write your name in full.
Tell the teacher your name.
His name is known to everyone.
Didn't you hear your name called?
Someone was calling my name.
I forgot his name.
Come and write your name.
I'm so sorry, but I forgot your name.
He knows my name.
I'm not sure of the name.
Is that your real name?
I know what his name is.
He used your name.
Could you give me your name?
What is your name?
What's your friend's name?
What is your new friend's name?
Ah, could it be you're embarrassed to be called by your first name?
Please tell me your name.
Do you know the name of this flower?
What is the name of that tree?
You should not judge people based on their name.
Can you please tell me your name once more?
"What's your name?" I asked.
What's the horse's name?
I can't remember her name.
I've completely forgotten its name.
Write your name, first of all.
I got your name from my friend.
Write your name on this piece of paper.
What was your name?
Her name was referred to in the meeting.
I know the name of this animal.
He's not good at remembering names.
What's your wife's name?
Anyone can write his own name.
My name is Maria Sara.
She was unwilling to tell her name.
His name is known all over the world.
She changed her name to Ann.
A policeman asked me for my name.
"What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married."
Please write your name in pen.
What's your best friend's name?
Is that a common name?
The name of this country is Russia.
What's the name of that restaurant?
His name will soon be forgotten.
Your name was dropped from the list.
Raise your hand when I call your name.
My sister's name is Patricia.
Please write your name with a pencil.
The teacher's name was Mr. Grey.
When did they register the names of the members?
Is your name Edward?
Please sign your name on the contract.
What's the name of this intersection?
I will include the author's and publisher's names.
You've misspelled my name.
Fill in your name and address.
I just can't memorize students' names.
"What's your name?" "My name is Tom."
My name isn't on the list.
His name is known all over the country.
He heard his name called.
There's no one by that name here.
I can't think of his name just now.
I remember that man's name very well.
I heard someone call my name.
His name is familiar to us.
I don't fully remember his name.
The man couldn't so much as write his own name.
It is a fact that I don't know her name.
His name is very difficult to remember.
The teacher called each student by name.
His name is well known to us.
The name of a kingdom I don't know came up.
I'm sorry, but I have forgotten your name.
He repeated his name slowly.
He is apt to forget people's name.
The soldier gave his name.
I am a cat. I don't have a name yet.
He can scarcely write his name.
I'm sorry to say I don't remember your name.
I don't believe I've heard that name.
It is surprising that you should know her name.
Our names are the same.
Even a little child knows its name.
I'm not very good at remembering names.
I always have trouble remembering names.
What was the name of the hotel? I can't recall it.
The boy carved his name in the tree.
I happened to know her name.
He mentioned her name for the first time.
Would you please write your name here?
He was gray, like his name.
Somebody called my name in the dark.
May I ask your name?
She cannot so much as write her own name.
I wrote down their names and numbers.
Do you know the name of the boy standing over there?
Most boys know his name.
Would you write your name in my notebook?
The caller refused to give us his name.
What's the name of the mountain range?
We named my son after my grandfather.
I heard my name called from behind me.
You must write your name in ink.
That name really suits him.
The teacher wrote his name on the blackboard.
How do you pronounce your name?
I don't know the name of that temple.
Please add my name to the list.
Please tell me your name and telephone number.
Delete his name from the list.
Yes, my name is Karen Smith.
Is Natasha a common name in Russia?
Romeo can't even write his own name.
I was surprised to hear my name called.
Nobody here knows my name.
I wish I had known his name then.
He heard his name called from behind.
She mentioned my name in her book.
Please write down your name here.
We are familiar with the name of the place.
Although the names are similar, they are far from being the same.
Can you name all the trees in the garden?
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
May I ask you some questions about your name?
I heard my name called in the station.
I heard my name called in the cafeteria.
I called his name loudly, but he didn't even look back.
I was walking in the park, when I heard my name called.
I'm going to write down their names before I forget them.
What is the name of the building whose roof you can see?
Don't leave my name out of your list.
Don't make fun of him because he cannot write his name.
Write your name and address, please.
All you need to do is to write your name and address here.
He is my friend whose name is Jack.
The actress has a very beautiful name.
He could not so much as sign his own name.
May I have your name, sir?
"What's your name?" "Mary." "That's a pretty name."
Could you give me your name and phone number?
His son cannot so much as write his own name.
What's the name of the man whose car you borrowed?
His name is familiar to everybody in the country.
That boy won't tell me his name.
His name is known to everybody in this area.
I heard my name called twice in the dark.
That man didn't give me his name.
Though it was noisy on the street, I could hear my name being called.
He was about to fall asleep, when he heard his name called.
Put down your name on the list and pass it on to the next person.
The name of this statesman is known to everybody in Japan.
While getting off the bus, she heard her name called.
She heard her name called out in the crowd.
The merest mention of his name made her angry.
The baby was named John after his uncle.
This book is mine; I wrote my name in it myself.
I doubt if anyone even remembers his name now, except for me.
Our teacher often overlooked his name on the list.
I met too many people to remember all their names.
My name is Ichiro Tanaka.
I like my name.
I didn't like my name when I was young.
What's the name of this river?
Hi, my name is Ken Saitou.
He is apt to forget people's names.
I really can't remember people's names, but I don't forget faces.