1. war; campaign; battle
2. unpaid work (ritsuryo system); forced labor
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
physical labor; physical labour; physical work; forced labor imposed by the government (e.g. under the ritsuryo system)
active duty; active service; student taking (university) entrance exams while still enrolled in school; student who passed their university entrance exams on the first try
military campaign; battle; war
toil; drudgery; penal servitude; imprisonment (with hard labour)
work; labor; labour; toil
military service; conscription
military service
setting (someone) to work; employment; using; causative (verb, etc.)
penal servitude; serving time in prison; military service; forced labor; compulsory service
slave labour; slave labor; compulsory service; forced labour; forced labor; exacted service
service in the first reserve
chore; odd job
handling cargo; loading and unloading
public service
release from office; military service, or prison
distribution of assignments
first Japanese invasion of Korea (1592-93)
physical labor; physical labour; physical work; forced labor imposed by the government (e.g. under the ritsuryo system)
the Satsuma Rebellion
Keichō campaign (1597-98; incl. the second Japanese invasion of Korea in 1597)
in prison; in the military
prison labor; prison labour
service in the second reserve; military reserve force comprised of ex-servicemen
work cow; work cattle
labor system in which able-bodied men were required to work for periods in the capital (ritsuryo system)