Verb (する)
1. understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
Pitch accent
Composed of
reason; principle; general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon); (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
solution (of an equation, inequality, etc.); root (e.g. of a polynomial); solution (to a given problem); answer; explanation; interpretation
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
to be unable to understand; to baffle one's understanding; to be beyond one's comprehension
lack of understanding; lack of sympathy
impossible to understand; impossible to decipher
understanding person; supporter
to show understanding; to appreciate; to be positive about
hard to understand; Byzantine fashion
(power of) understanding; comprehensive faculty
to reach mutual understanding; to understand each other
to cultivate a better understanding
mutual understanding
to gain the understanding (of); to obtain consent (from)
comprehension; understanding
to ask for understanding
to go over one's head; to be beyond one's comprehension
passive vocabulary
Examples (150 in total)
You understand, right?
I can't understand it.
Do you understand everything?