1. rate; ratio; proportion; percentage
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (198 in total)
probability; likelihood; chances
interest rate
approval rating
profit ratio
average rate
ratio; proportion; percentage
success rate
winning percentage
magnification; leverage; amplification; competitiveness rating (e.g. for university entrance); applicant-to-acceptance ratio
death rate; mortality rate
accuracy rate
survival rate
ratings (e.g. of a television program); audience rating; viewing rate
efficiency; moment (i.e. magnetic moment)
tariff; tax rate
competition rate; success rate; ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants
literacy rate
hitting ratio; hit rate; success rate; accuracy rate
Pi (3.1415926..)
operating ratio; rate of operation; availability factor
rate of increase (e.g. prices); rate of climb (e.g. aircraft)
frequency; rate of occurrence
case fatality rate
turnover rate (merchandise, capital)
percentage of attendance
arrest rate; clear-up rate; crime-arrest ratio
batting average
the same ratio or percentage
ratio of successful applicants; (examination) pass rate
rate of increase
refractive index
rate of profit
body fat percentage
unemployment rate
rate of advancement to the next higher level of education
(the degree of) self-sufficiency (e.g. in oil)
voter turnout; (polling) turnout
percentage of votes
diffusion rate; rate of spread
content by percentage
precision; precision ratio; relevance factor; relevance ratio
percentage of correct answers
growth rate; coefficient of extension
utilization rate; usage rate; occupancy rate
employment rate
recall; recall factor; recall ratio
utilization rate; capacity factor; utilization factor; coefficient of use
compressibility; compression ratio
rate of expansion
volatility; degree of variability; rate of fluctuation; regulation
high rate
interest rate
rate of failure
earned run average; ERA
job separation rate; job turnover
percentage of votes counted so far
infection rate
rate of economic growth
safety factor
earning rate; rate of return; price-earnings ratio; profitability; profit margin
transmittance; permeability
listener ratings (radio, etc.); listenership
divorce rate
disease rate; infection rate; morbidity rate
annual rate (of interest)
golden ratio (approx. 1.6180339887)
rate of output; production rate
thermal conductivity
population growth rate
occupancy (rate); share (e.g. of market)
spreading factor
tariff rate
low rate
on-base percentage
conversion rate
attenuation (factor, rate)
risk ratio; percentage of risk; hazard rate; significance level; level of significance
probability; likelihood
consumption tax rate; sales tax rate; VAT rate
blending ratio; combination ratio
floor space index; FSI; floor area ratio; FAR; ratio of building size to lot; plot ratio
possession rate; possession; domination rate; penetration factor
reduced tax rate
rate of magnification; magnification power
discount rate
shooting rate (in ball games, e.g. volleyball, basketball, soccer, etc.); shooting percentage; success rate (esp. business, e.g. sales)
employment rate; percentage of employment
percentage of school attendance
failure rate
poverty rate
tariff; rates
disapproval rating
slugging percentage
inflation rate
motility (usu. sperm); moment
basal metabolic rate; BMR
rate of destruction; destruction ratio
permillage; rate per thousand
discount rate
disease rate; infection rate; morbidity rate
dividend rate
response rate; percentage of replies
load factor
price escalation rate; price increase rate; inflation
insurance (premium) rate
dielectric constant; permittivity; conductivity
absentee rate
aperture ratio
gross margin ratio
activity ratio
Young's modulus
progressive tax rate
rate of change
prevalence (rate)
gross profit margin
modulus of elasticity
batting average
ratio of the margin of loss of an electoral candidate in a single-constituent district (used to break ties when determining the representative of a proportionally represented district)
electrical conductivity
availability ratio
labour rate; pay rate; wage rate; income rate
viscosity (coefficient); dynamic viscosity (coefficient)
proportion of forested land; proportion of land which is forested
(passenger) load factor; seat occupancy
positive predictive value
case fatality rate
population coverage rate; service coverage ratio
degree of milling (of rice)
expansion rate; growth rate
protective tariff
cash-deposit ratio
(program, programme) ratings
operating rate
loss factor
solvency ratio
one's fielding average
molar fraction
stock exchange percentage
ratio of wholesale price to retail price
live birth rate
reserve ratio; reserve rate
reserve requirement ratio; legal reserve ratio; required reserve ratio
tax-free ratio; tax free percentage
labor force participation rate; labour force participation rate
labor's share (of income)
basic rate; base rate
antenna gain factor
cell loss rate
availability ratio
cumulative remainder
cumulative percentage
relative metabolic rate
deposition rate; deposition fraction
price reduction rate
sustained virological response; SVR
revisit rate (e.g. for a website); visitor retention rate
revisit rate (e.g. for a website); visitor retention rate
wage rate; rate of pay
acceleration ratio
natural rate of increase; rate of natural increase
moisture content; water content
air dose rate (esp. radioactivity)
bounce rate
proportional tax rate
magnetic reluctivity; reluctivity
power factor
pension replacement rate; income substitution rate (of the public pension)
excess mortality rate; mortality displacement
distortion factor
Examples (2 in total)
This city's recycling rate is only 15%.
The Japanese economy continued to grow by more than 5% annually.