Verb (する)
1. studying abroad
2. studying at a different school, etc. (usu. for a specific purpose)
Pitch accent
Composed of
stationary point
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
overseas student; exchange student
study abroad destination
studying abroad; studying overseas
Examples (49 in total)
I want to study abroad.
I study abroad.
He studied abroad.
Is it true that you are going to study in London?
I want to go study at a Canadian university.
She couldn't study abroad for lack of money.
My dream is to study abroad.
She decided to study abroad.
If I were younger, I would go abroad to study.
Have you ever studied abroad?
A friend of mine is studying abroad.
I will study abroad when I have finished school.
I'm considering studying in America next year.
I will study abroad on my own.
I studied in England for six months when I was a student.
Why did you decide to study abroad in Australia?
My mother wants me to study in Switzerland.
She hinted that she might study abroad.
The teacher encouraged me to study abroad.
I talked with my parents about my studying abroad.
To study abroad will be a wonderful experience.
I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it.
He works hard so that he can study abroad.
He achieved his aim of studying abroad.
I was envious of the students who had studied abroad.
Tom came to Japan from America to study.
He is now planning to study abroad next year.
The scholarship enabled him to study abroad.
My dream is to study French in Montreal.
When you were studying abroad in Japan, did you make a lot of friends?
I have two older brothers. They're both studying abroad.
He is eager for a chance to study abroad.
When you were studying abroad in Japan, what music did you listen to?
I'm going to France to study painting.
When you were studying in Japan, what sort of TV shows did you watch?
My decision to study abroad surprised my parents.
Her wish is to study abroad someday.
I'm saving money in order to study abroad.
I'd like to study in China to improve the level of my Chinese.
If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa.
My father didn't allow me to study in the USA.
The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year.
I had no difficulty in persuading my father to let me study abroad.
What should I do if I become depressed while studying abroad?
I want to study abroad in France during college, so I'm studying French.
During his year of study abroad, Tom's French improved rapidly.
I suggested to my father that Kumiko study in China.
It seems that the purpose of his study abroad was to improve his ability to speak English.
Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to give up his plan to study abroad.