Verb (する)
1. travel; trip; journey
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
traveller; traveler; wayfarer; tourist
journey; route of a journey
long trip
destination; place one stays during a trip
itinerant entertainer
travelling alone; solitary journey
air travel; air trip
traveler; traveller; stranger
traveler; traveller
travellers' inn; stage inn
traditional Japanese travel outfit; travel kit
bon voyage!; have a nice trip!
one's last journey; the journey to the other world; death
traveling priest; travelling priest
away from home; while travelling
travel diary
weary from traveling (travelling)
itinerant entertainer or troupe
sleeping away from home; overnight stay when traveling
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
wanderer; stranger; vagrant; outsider; stranger
spare the rod and spoil the child; (lit.) if you love your children, send them out into the world
wandering life of a gambler
travelling on foot
sleeping away from home
place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival
working away from home
peddling; peddler; pedlar
journey the gods undertake to go to the Grand Shrine of Izumo in October
in traveling, companionship; in life, kindness
journey without a destination
itinerant (esp. itinerant gambler); drifter; nomad; rover
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
travelling male homosexual prostitute
Examples (78 in total)
It was a good trip.
Have a safe trip.
Where would you like to travel?