Adjective (の)
1. therapy; treatment; remedy; cure
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (89 in total)
physiotherapy; physical therapy
method of treatment; cure; remedy
symptomatic therapy; makeshift solution
shock therapy; shock treatment
alternative therapy
alternative therapy
medical diet; diet therapy; medical nutrition therapy
behavioural therapy (behavioral)
physiotherapy; physical therapy
therapeutic exercise
cognitive therapy
climatotherapy; change of air for convalescence
Medical Care Act
sand play therapy; sand play technique
occupational therapy
acupressure therapy
hot-spring cure; onsen therapy; balneotherapy
past life therapy; past life regression
electroconvulsive therapy; ECT
home remedy; medical treatment by a layperson
hormone replacement therapy
hyperbaric oxygen therapy
shock therapy; shock treatment
electroshock therapy
definitive therapy
cocktail treatment
acupuncture therapy
aftercare; after-treatment
moist wound healing; hydrocolloid dressing
dialysis; dialytic treatment
ultraviolet treatment; ultraviolet light therapy
suggestive therapy
supportive care; supportive therapy
endodontia; endodontic procedure; endodontic treatment
starvation diet; fasting cure; hunger cure; inanition treatment
treatment by medicine and diet
chiropractic treatment
Naikan therapy (type of group psychotherapy)
therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury
malaria therapy (formerly used to treat syphilis, etc.)
deep brain stimulation; DBS
climatotherapy; climate treatment
speech-language-hearing therapy
fango therapy; fango treatment