1. force; strength; might; vigour; vigor; energy
2. capability; ability; proficiency; capacity; faculty
3. efficacy; effect
4. effort; endeavours; endeavors; exertions
5. power; authority; influence; good offices; agency
6. support; help; aid; assistance
7. stress; emphasis
8. means; resources
Pitch accent
Top 23500
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
large biceps; well-developed biceps
muscleman; strong man
to be helpful; to be dependable; to stand by (someone)
heavy work; manual labour; feat of strength
to join forces; to cooperate
with all one's strength; with might and main; as hard as one can
to put one's strength into
with all one's strength; with all one's might
to recover one's strength; to recover one's spirit; to revive; to be refreshed; to be invigorated; to be encouraged
to grow weak; to become weak; to lose strength
to assist; to help out
lack of ability; inadequacy; (being) out of one's depth
lifting stone
to put effort into; to strain; to put strength into; to put forth effort
one's own strength or effort; (by) oneself
one's own strength or effort; (by) oneself
to relax; to release tension from one's muscles; to let go limp
to use up all one's strength
to gain strength; to have energy
discouragement; disappointment
abdominal-support belt
strong interaction; strong force
to build up one's strength; to get stronger; to give (someone) strength; to cheer (someone) up; to encourage (someone)
contest of strength; trial of strength
zest for living; energy to live
weak force; weak interaction
strong legs
to be filled with strength; to be filled with effort; to be enthusiastic about; to be tired (ironic)
physical work; manual labour (labor)
amount of force (required to do something); (using the) right amount of force; appropriate use of force
to exert oneself; to make efforts
balance of power (in a relationship); power dynamic
to concentrate one's effort (on something)
brute force approach (esp. in a video game)
(brute) force; using all one's might
(brute) force; using all one's might
losing by being overmatched; being defeated by a stronger opponent; losing by misusing one's powers; defeat as a result of trying too hard
to encourage (someone); to cheer (someone) up; to give someone a charge; to empower
boasting of one's strength
to try one's strength
tax paid to avoid forced labor (ritsuryo period); tax in kind
perseverance makes one stronger; slow but steady wins the race
effectiveness of a drug; efficacy of a drug
feeble; dejected; helpless; despondent
agency of fate; power of fate; La forza del destino (opera by Verdi); the force of destiny
water offered to wrestlers just prior to a bout
test of strength
to gain strength; to increase ability
discouragement; disappointment; loss of energy; fatigue
will to power
fundamental interactions; four fundamental forces of nature
as long as one's strength lasts
fortifying mochi; mochi that improves one's strength; mochi received from one's parents after giving birth; mochi given to a toddler on its first birthday
field of force
to render assistance; to make an effort
knowledge is power
clenched fist
knowledge is power
Coriolis' force
fifth force; fifth force of nature
power diplomacy
handsome men have neither money nor power
moment of force
Chinese fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
Examples (51 in total)
Great is the power of habit.
We will never yield to force.
Don't underestimate my power.