1. ring; circle; loop
2. hoop
3. wheel
4. circle (e.g. of friends)
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
circular bento box; something ring-shaped; handcuffs
moon (esp. full moon); circle fashioned after the moon; decorative ring on the chest of a monk's stole; straw trivet; white crescent-shaped chest patch of an Asiatic black bear
ring; loop (of rope); halo (of an angel)
swim ring; swimming ring; life buoy; life belt; life preserver; lifesaver
wreath; garland
puzzle ring; wire puzzle; exercise where students link crossed hands in a circle and try working together and without letting go
crippled; deformed; imperfect; incomplete; one wheel
a loop; a trap
rear wheel; cantle
(finger) ring
metal ring; metal hoop; metal band
(animal) collar; necklace; choker
bracelet; bangle
family circle; one's circle (of friends, co-workers, etc.); private matters; internal affairs; conservative (e.g. estimate); moderate
front wheel
rear wheel; cantle
rubber band; elastic band
halo; angel ring; glow of freshly washed or treated hair
quoits; ring toss
leg band (e.g. on bird or hospital patient); ring; anklet
outer ring; external ring
earring (non-pierced); helix
Möbius strip; Moebius strip
thrust at the opponent's throat
(gymnastic) rings
cogon grass ring (through which people pass during summer purification rites)
Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific volcanic belt)
nose ring
lariat; lasso; slip noose
rubber tire (tyre)
snowflake-shaped family crest
riding (a horse) in a circle
The Circle of Rainbow Light; Japanese religious group based on the teachings of Aum Shinrikyo
jumping through a hoop
hoop trundling or rolling
wheel stops; wedges; blocks; linchpin
key ring
Miwa Shinto (sect of amalgamated Shinto developed in the Muromachi Period)
Examples (2 in total)
We grew up within our family circle.
A ring of smoke floated from his cigar into the air.