1. thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
Pitch accent
Composed of
argument; discussion; theory (e.g. of evolution); doctrine; essay; treatise
sentence; composition; text; the literary arts (as opposed to the military arts); academia; statement
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
short essay; pamphlet; tract
graduation thesis
research thesis; treatise
treatise; monograph; study; paper (scientific, technical)
thesis; dissertation
doctoral dissertation; doctoral thesis
doctoral dissertation; doctoral thesis
collected papers; collected works; collection of articles and essays
master's thesis
this thesis; this article; the article under consideration
essay-type test; essay-based examination
doctoral degree (e.g. PhD) by thesis only
doctoral degree (e.g. PhD) by thesis only
(academic) journal
Examples (28 in total)
Have you finished writing your thesis?
Have you already decided what the topic of your thesis will be?
Why don't you take your time in finishing your paper?