1. frame; framework
2. border; box
3. limit; restriction; quota
4. category; bracket; class
5. time slot (in a broadcasting schedule)
6. live stream; live (online) broadcast
7. spool (of thread); reel
Pitch accent
Top 32900
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
window frame; sash
mourning borders
frame-shaped; frame-like
wooden frame; wooden crate; wooden pallet
additional; extraordinary; outside the norms; special case
general framework
within the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.)
(university) admission category for recommended candidates
(beyond the) limits; scope; boundary
grid-line (e.g. in spreadsheet); enclosing line
mold; mould
employment quota; number of positions available
to be stereotypical
embroidery frame; embroidery hoop; tabouret; taboret; taborine; taborin
time slot (on TV, radio, etc.)
limit on participation
decorated frame; decorative surrounds
open time slot; unoccupied time slot
special consideration for non-traditional (older) students
to set a frame; to frame
inner frame; within given limits
quota increase; allowance increase; limit increase; increase in one's share
school admission category
allowable range; bound; limit
bracket win; bracket quinella
quota (for applicants, personnel, etc.); capacity
(school) admission category for students who have lived abroad
thick-bordered box or table (in forms, etc.)
import ceiling
character body
airport slot; takeoff and landing slots; departure and arrival slots
reel; spool
bracket win; bracket quinella
frame story; frame narrative; frame tale
page frame
clip rectangle
steel formwork; steel sets
ceiling on loans; credit line
party lines (politics)
reduction (of an allowance, limit, quota, etc.)
Examples (2 in total)
He stood under the door frame.
I wiped the window sill with a paper towel.