1. public matter; governmental matter
2. prince; duke
3. lord; sir
4. familiar or derogatory suffix
after a name, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (159 in total)
fairness; impartiality; justice; objectivity
the public; general public
fairness; openness; impartiality; Komeito (Japanese political party)
probability; likelihood
public office
protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story); head of household
declaration; profession
pollution; public nuisance; contamination
public servant
public funds
official price
official announcement; proclamation
Imperial Court
open; public; official; overt
public commitment; public promise; campaign pledge; official vow
public corporation; public housing
public character
teacher; previous ruler; previous lord; lord of the previous generation
prince; duke
(public) park
official; formal; formula (e.g. mathematical); official (social media) account (of a company, organization, etc.)
young noblewoman; princess
young nobleman
you (primarily used by males when addressing their male equals or inferiors)
official residence
Imperial Court
noble's consort; consort of a prince; consort of a duke; duchess; princess
justice; fairness; impartiality
court noble; nobility
public; official
imperial court; shogunate government; authorities; public affairs; official; government
elderly nobleman
public corporation
public and private; official and personal; government and people
axiom; maxim; self-evident truth
envoy; diplomat below the rank of ambassador (e.g. deputy chief of mission, charge d'affaires); minister (of legation)
public road; highway; righteousness; justice; right path
public hearing; trial
official residence
official language
official document; archives
official business; government business; public business; public use; government use
official proclamation; announcement; promulgation (e.g. of regulations)
duchy; dukedom; principality
revolution (of heavens)
notary public; notary; public notary
koan; kōan; Zen question for meditation (e.g. the sound of one hand clapping)
public opinion; unbiased criticism; unbiassed criticism
heroine; female protagonist
Hachikō; Akita dog that waited every day at Shibuya station for the return of his owner (1923-1935)
town hall; public hall
citizen; freemen
three lords (highest ranking officials in the old Imperial Chinese or Japanese governments)
public debt; public bond; government securities
you; your father
public name; announcing publicly; nominal
public expense; public funds; public money; public expenditure
high-ranking officials; ministers; ladies and gentlemen; everyone
official document; archives
public interest; public benefit; public good
public power; governmental authority
public service
police; policeman; police officer
official bulletin; communique
postulate (in math, logic, etc.)
nobles and soldiers; imperial court
Ecumenical Council
official residence
buddy; friend
authorized absence; permission of absence from class(es)
common ratio; geometric ratio
public education
on the high seas
American person; Yankee
public ownership; public domain
public opinion; public debate; just view; fair argument; (arch.) conference at the imperial or shogunal court
civil rights; franchise; citizenship
public meeting
completely out in the open; very publicly; in broad daylight
public morality; social morals; civic virtues
Italian person
public enemy
(Roman) Catholicism
public ceremonies; public affairs
public law
common divisor
public election
common difference; tolerance (in engineering, manufacturing, etc.); allowance; allowable error
official seal
government business
female delinquent
political party
extension lectures
national examinations
authentication; notarization; notarisation
public institution
land-tax rate during the Edo period (the government took 60 percent of the year's rice crop and the farmers kept 40 percent)
common multiple
civil rights
justice; equity
princes and marquises; great feudal lords
public life
public good; public profit
the average Joe; your average nice guy; Joe Blow; Joe Bloggs
international airspace; international space
public order; public policy
public life; public career
axiomatic system
(Roman) Catholic Church
government office
popular opinion; popular reputation; impartial criticism
land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 70 percent of the year's crop and the farmers kept 30 percent
offices of a public or governmental organization (organisation)
speaking at a public hearing
public imposts; taxes
common denominator
Freedom of Information Law; Freedom of Information Act (various countries); FOIA
(coalition of) the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito
official language
perfect fairness
where there's a will, there's a way
public bonds
judicial decision
public funeral
ceiling or fixed price
rescue and assistance (by public bodies) (e.g. in time of disaster)
axiomatic theory
public record
public university
cadastral map
public tax
public issue
public corporation; juridical person
national life; civic life
apartment house built by the Japan Housing Corporation
coalition of the Socialist Party and the Komeito
public corporation
Public Corporation and National Enterprise Labor Relations Commission
Public Corporations and Government Enterprises Labor Relations Act
authority of prosecution; authority to indict
public land; government land
public insurance
official letter (esp. in internal company corresp.); formal letter
General Epistles (James, Peter, Jude, John); Catholic Epistles; General Letters
General Epistles (James, Peter, Jude, John); Catholic Epistles; General Letters
1992 Property Disclosure Act; law requiring members of parliament to disclose their assets
land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took 40% of the year's crop and the farmers kept 60%
land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took half of the year's crop and the farmers kept the other half
master; main character; protagonist