Verb (する)
1. autumn colours; fall colors; leaves changing color (colour)
2. leaves turning red; red leaves
when read as "こうよう"
3. leaves turning yellow; yellow leaves
when read as "こうよう"
4. (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)
when read as "もみじ"
5. venison
when read as "もみじ"
6. layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors
Kanji used
deep red
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
steamed bun shaped like a maple leaf
maple; scarlet-tinged ivy
first maple leaves to turn red in the season
Examples (7 in total)
The woods were clothed in autumn leaves.
The leaves of the trees in the garden have turned completely red.
The leaves on the trees have begun to turn red.
The whole mountain turns red in autumn.
In late summer and autumn one can see the leaves change colour.
The leaves turned red as the days passed.
While taking a walk, Tom enjoyed the autumn leaves in vibrant red and orange.