Verb (5-dan, intransitive)
1. to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach
2. to proceed; to take place
い sometimes omitted in auxiliary use
3. to pass through; to come and go
4. to walk
5. to do (in a specific way)
6. to stream; to flow
Auxiliary verb (5-dan)
Usually written in kana
7. to continue
after the -te form of a verb
Verb (5-dan, intransitive)
Usually written in kana
8. to have an orgasm; to come; to cum
9. to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
to go out and away; to leave
to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away
one's way; one's path
Examples (200 in total)
I'd like to go.
Hey, don't go.
You've got to go even if you don't want to.
I will not go.
I will go.
I think I'll go.
I didn't want to go either.
I've got to go.
I wanted to go, too.
I can't go now.
I want to go there.
Are you really not going?
Wait. Don't go.
He will also go.
You may go.
"Why aren't you going?" "Because I don't want to."
Are you going outside?
Let's not go.
I'll definitely come.
How I wish I could go, too!
I didn't want to go there anyway.
Go away!
"Are you going?" "Maybe."
I really don't want to go.
Go when you want.
Is it OK if I go?
Are you saying you don't want to go?
I have to leave now.
I don't think I want to go.
Let's go to my room.
Didn't he go there?
I can't go, nor do I want to.
Please let me go.
Everyone went there, didn't they?
"Where do you want to go?" "Anywhere."
Let's go eat together.
"Will you go?" "I will if I have to."
Are you going there on business?
I can go there on foot.
Where would you like to go next?
I couldn't go anywhere else.
Of course, I'll go with you.
I'll go first.
Where are we going next?
Have you ever been to a singles bar?
I'll go if it's fun.
Do I have to go, too?
I'm sorry I have to go.
I am afraid to go.
I wonder where he has gone.
Has he gone already?
Will you please go there?
You go to school.
When did you go there?
Where have you been all this while?
I want you to go.
I will go on ahead.
Where did dad go?
Why did you go to the city?
Where have you been lately?
Can you go to the beach tomorrow?
Are you ready to go?
What shall I wear when going there?
I will go when he comes back.
Let me go alone.
I want to go there again.
Wake me up before you go.
I had no choice but to go.
I didn't want to go any further.
I'll call him before I go.
I'm going there now.
Even though it's snowing, I have to go.
When did he go?
Excuse me. I need to go.
Where else would you like to go?
I don't want to go there at all.
I still want to go.
I will go if you come.
Oh, it's already this late. I have to go.
I'd like to go with you, but I can't.
Does she always go there?
I've been waiting for you for ages. Where were you?
Let's go and see him there.
I'll come and see you later.
Where are you planning to go?
Do you know who goes there?
Nevertheless, I want to go there.
I had intended to go, but I forgot to.
He is eager to go there.
I made him go.
Where can I get some help?
Would you like to go out for a drink after work?
Hmm, that's a good idea. Let's go there.
I went there many times.
Are you determined to go there?
Do I have to go there right away?
No, I don't want to go.
Did you go to school yesterday?
Do you always go the same route?
"Why aren't you coming?" "Because we don't want to."
Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center?
Where did you go without telling me?
The boy ran away.
Have you tried that store?
It is no wonder that she didn't want to go.
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible.
He walked along the street.
You shouldn't have come here to begin with.
Anyway, I decided to go.
Where did your friends go?
It is about time you went to school.
It is difficult to decide where to go.
We didn't want to go, but we had to.
Why do I have to go to school?
"May I go with you?" "By all means."
Is it OK if I go outside and play?
Whether he comes or not, I'll go.
Oh yes! I will certainly come with you!
That's why I told you not to go by yourself.
I wonder where that child went.
I didn't go there because I wanted to.
If he hadn't been tired, he would've gone.
You'll go to school tomorrow.
That's why I told you not to go by car.
Is there any place special you want to go?
I will come to your country some day.
I didn't go with him.
It was clear that he went there.
If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going.
It's better not to go there alone.
I can't go until he comes.
You may go anywhere you like.
Where were you going?
He went there by himself.
Please tell me where to go.
He said that you ought to go.
I think it would be more fun to go together.
I will stop him from going.
No one wants to go there.
Why did you go to his house?
He must go there tomorrow.
The place is easy to reach from here.
I'm considering going with them.
Have you ever been to that village?
"Are you ready to go?" "Not yet. One minute."
"Let's go," he said to me.
The fact is I didn't go to school today.
You should go and see for yourself.
Let's decide together where to go first.
You ought not to go to such a place.
I don't know how to get there.
He said that I must go.
I used to walk to work.
He walked toward the door.
Tell him where he should go.
She asked me where I was going.
Excuse me, but will you tell me the way to the Hilton Hotel?
There seems to be no need to go.
Where does that idiot think he is going?
I'm going to my room, so I can study.
It's a bit far to walk there from here.
Do you go to school on foot every day?
She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me.
I'm going to fly to the moon.
Do you deny that you went there?
Go and see him in person.
It is necessary for you to go there immediately.
She begged him not to go there.
We'll be leaving before you get here.
I just don't feel like going to school today.
They couldn't decide whether to go to the mountains or the sea.
Tell me why you want to go there.
You shouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place.
She will be glad if you go to see her in person.
I'm not strong enough to go to school yet.
The people who were here have all gone.
My sister usually walks to school.
She has gone, but I still love her.
Why did her father go to Japan?
He doesn't want me to go, but I mean to.
He said that you need not go.
I must go there irrespective of what you think.
There is no reason why I should go there.
There's something I need to tell you before you leave.
For this reason, I can't go with you.
She stood up and walked to the window.
I've visited many countries, but I like Japan best of all.
If you want to go with them, you must hurry.
His car isn't here, so he must have gone.
Now that Father is gone, we can talk freely.
He has a sister and she goes to school, too.
Since I plan to have quit my job by that time, maybe I could go!
No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me.
Go to your room and wait there until I call you.
Her father never let her go to town with her friends.
Let's go to the river.
Do you often go to town?
Where can Yoko have gone?
I'm going to Japan in 2020.
So I will see him running on the way to school today.