Usually written in kana
1. (approximate) time; around; about; toward
ごろ when used as a suffix
2. suitable time (or condition)
3. time of year; season
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
reasonable (price)
approximate age; apparent age; marriageable age (esp. of a woman); age of maturity; appropriate age (to ...); old enough (to ...)
about this time
normally; habitually
these days; nowadays; now; at present; recently; lately
about when; about what time; how soon
handy; convenient; suitable; reasonable; moderate
recently; the other day
about noon
about the middle
toward the end
best time to see
around the end of (a period of time)
body of a garment; bodice
early evening; dusk; lamp-lighting time; lighting-up time
these past months
in season; at its best; ready for eating