1. person; someone; somebody
2. human beings; mankind; man; people; humans
3. human (Homo sapiens)
usu. ヒト
4. (other) people; others
5. character; personality; nature
6. capable person; competent person; suitable person; right person
7. adult; grown-up
8. I; me; one
used when rebuking or criticizing someone
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 100
Used in vocabulary (269 in total)
he; she; that person; (arch.) you
this person
the person in question; prominent figure; distinguished person; that person
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
the number of people; many people; a large number of people; (counted as an) adult
(public) notice; attention; public eye; public gaze
good-natured person; good person; (one's) lover; boyfriend; girlfriend
special someone; special person; precious one; significant other
someone (unspecified, but someone in particular); a certain person
pedestrian traffic
more than most people; more than other people; compared with other people; more than others
personality; character; personal appearance; gentility
ordinary person; average person; man in the street; everyman; (a) nobody
celebrated personage; big-wig; person in a high position
good-naturedness; good-natured person; credulous person; easy mark
shyness; fear of strangers; stranger anxiety
crowd; throng
presence of other people; (in) public; (in) front of others
to each his own; people differ; different people (have different likes)
people; men and women; each person; everybody
mistaking one person for another; (case of) mistaken identity
sign of life; human presence; humanity; humaneness
sign of life; human presence; humanity; humaneness
(much) more than others; exceedingly; extremely; unusually
ordinary; average; common; normal; like the average person; like most people
one's family; family member
to be within others' sight; to be visible; to be conspicuous; to attract public attention; to come under observation
crowd of people
friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men
other people; others
hereditary disposition; temperament; nature; (arch.) body build
(somebody's) child; person with parents; other people's children; the Son of Man; Christ
social disposition
surging crowd; wave of humanity; stampede
person inside a cartoon body suit; voice actor; insider
good-naturedness; good-natured person; credulous person; easy mark
brute; beast; monster; inhuman person; ungrateful person
an eye for people; the ability to judge character
to become like a different person; to have a change in personality
cannibalism; biting (someone); man-eating (e.g. tiger); cannibalistic
of good character; kindhearted; good-natured
generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality
almost everyone
like a decent person; human
the skin (of a human being); warmth of the skin; body warmth
crowd; turnout
ill-natured; mean; mischievous; nasty; unkind; teasing
to grab attention; to attract notice; to be eye-catching
my husband; one's family; family member
attractiveness; charm; amiability
index finger; forefinger; second toe
what people say; rumours; public opinion
the people; the public; the world
society; company; the public; the world
difficult person; good-for-nothing; pain in the ass (arse)
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
(arch.) Mahito (highest of the eight hereditary titles); you
moral way of life; correct path; moral principles
kidnapping; kidnaping; abduction; kidnapper; kidnaper; abductor
friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men
leaving (it) to others
of good character; kindhearted; good-natured
superior; boss; them (as opposed to "us"); person above; upstairs neighbour (neighbor)
the human body; one's person
to be within others' sight; to be visible; to be conspicuous; to attract public attention; to come under observation
friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men
misanthropy; misanthrope
generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality
one's manners; one's attitude
of good character; kindhearted; good-natured
longing for others; wanting company
slave traffic; slave dealer
acquaintance; friend; (arch.) lover
official in charge; person in charge
celebrated personage; big-wig; person in a high position
locals; natives
many people; everyone; all sorts of people
sign of life; human presence; humanity; humaneness
man of the hour; woman of the hour
index finger; forefinger; second toe
generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality
traveler; traveller
ordinary; average; common; normal; like the average person; like most people
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
he; she; that person; (arch.) you
friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men
throng; gathering of people
uncommon; extraordinary (in relation to human characteristics)
someone (unspecified, but someone in particular); a certain person
body heat from several people in close quarters; stuffy air
other people; others
sweetheart; person in one's thoughts (heart)
to grab attention; to attract notice; to be eye-catching
volcanic cave traditionally said to be inhabited
generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
index finger; forefinger; second toe
other people's money
stranger; outsider
my husband; one's family; family member
personality; character; personal appearance; gentility
ordinary person; untitled individual
this person
(public) notice; attention; public eye; public gaze
downstairs neighbour (neighbor); subordinate
humanoid robot; android
index finger; forefinger
being used to people (e.g. of a young child); being sociable; being used to humans (esp. animals); being tame
the good you do for others is good you do yourself; those who are kind benefit themselves; (lit.) compassion is not for other people's benefit; you can't save others (from themselves)
to be conspicuous; to attract public attention
the person in question; prominent figure; distinguished person; that person
a wonder lasts but nine days; (lit.) gossip lasts just 75 days
a wonder lasts but nine days; (lit.) gossip lasts just 75 days
a wonder lasts but nine days; (lit.) gossip lasts just 75 days
a wonder lasts but nine days; (lit.) gossip lasts just 75 days
the deceased
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
ordinary person; untitled individual
mimicry; imitation
everyone has a past; every person has their own history
signs of human habitation
waiting for someone to arrive
person; man
ordinary person; average person; man in the street; everyman; (a) nobody
floating ball of fire (said to be the soul of a dead person); meteor; shooting star
gathering of people
stranger; outsider
arrogant; insolent; overbearing
leaving (it) to others
stranger; outsider
utter stranger; mere passerby; outsider
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
the good you do for others is good you do yourself; those who are kind benefit themselves; (lit.) compassion is not for other people's benefit; you can't save others (from themselves)
slave trade; human trafficking; slave trader
reliance on others
anthropophobia; dizziness experienced in crowded places
scam; con trick; con-man; fraudster; flirt; player
to employ the right person; to choose somebody with the right qualities
to write the kanji for "person" on one's hand three times and mimic swallowing them (as a technique for calming one's nerves)
to board an airplane; to get on an airplane
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message
myself and others
crowd of people
with each person; with everyone
stone image of people
lineal descendant; clan member
pedestrian traffic; kanji "legs radical" (radical 10)
to be crowded with people
with each person; with everyone
appearances can be deceiving; don't judge a book by its cover
mimicry; imitation
mimicry; imitation
personnel training; human resources development; character building
personnel training; human resources development; character building
annoyance; nuisance
difficult person; good-for-nothing; pain in the ass (arse)
one man's fault is another's lesson
person (esp. social outcast) who has nothing left to lose; (lit.) invincible person
being used to people (e.g. of a young child); being sociable; being used to humans (esp. animals); being tame
warmhearted person
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
to become accustomed to people
(a) militant; (a) belligerent
brute; beast; monster; inhuman person; ungrateful person
scam; con trick; con-man; fraudster; flirt; player
getting tired from dealing with people; getting tired of being around people
presence of other people; (in) public; (in) front of others
consideration for others; thinking about others
the style is the man; the style is the man himself
to make a cutting remark; (lit.) to stab someone with a short blade
to pitch in and help; to give someone a hand
arrogant; insolent; overbearing
good-naturedness; good-natured person; credulous person; easy mark
jail; gaol; prison
skull; cranium; kanji "person" radical at top
prisoner's base (children's game); (arch.) man-eating monster
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
personnel training; human resources development; character building
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
to become accustomed to people
becoming worldly-wise (through one's interactions with other people); becoming sophisticated; losing one's innocence; losing one's naivety
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
to suit one's speech to the audience
amateur; layman; respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha); (arch.) unlicensed prostitute
to each his own; people differ; different people (have different likes)
the skin (of a human being); warmth of the skin; body warmth
body heat from several people in close quarters; stuffy air
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
humanoid robot; android
one man's fault is another's lesson
something people would laugh at
ridiculous; laughable
be kind to others; one good turn deserves another
to stand at the head of others
man is not made of stone; man is made of flesh and blood
the worthy will be remembered; (lit.) humans (last) one generation; names (last) forever
to pierce someone with one's gaze
to each his own; people differ; different people (have different likes)
one's family; family member
live and let live; you do you and I'll do me; (lit.) people are people; I am myself
man is not made of stone; man is made of flesh and blood
something people would laugh at
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate someone by pointing one's chin
human-to-human transmission (of a disease)
surging crowd
behaving outrageously as though there were no one around; doing whatever one wants even though others may be watching
man of well-cultivated tastes
to be too prominent
behaving outrageously as though there were no one around; doing whatever one wants even though others may be watching
to stray from the path of righteousness
kanji "person" radical at top
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate someone by pointing one's chin
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence; (lit.) other people's flowers are redder
entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall
what chances to one man may happen to all; what happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow; misfortunes can happen to anyone
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
behaving outrageously as though there were no one around; doing whatever one wants even though others may be watching
to make a cutting remark; (lit.) to kill someone with a short blade
don't be a burden to others; (lit.) lean on your cane, but don't lean on others
human genome
human papillomavirus; HPV
person of high rank
slit in the curtains that allows someone on stage to see the audience (in kabuki theatre); public eye; feeling of being watched; casual observers
go-between; matchmaker
chief kagura dancer (of kagura performed at the imperial palace)
go-between; matchmaker
friend; comrade; companion
the people; the public; citizenry
Examples (200 in total)
I'm waiting for someone.
What a rude man!
I can't talk with people.