1. number; amount
Pitch accent
Top 24400
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish; fill; fill-in (drumming); jack-off material; something to masturbate to
many; numerous; various; large number of
mass-produced arrows; arrows for target practice
herring roe
number of words a person speaks; number of dependents; number of mouths to feed; number of shares, items, applications, etc.
the number of people; (counted as an) adult
something worth mentioning; something to count on; something problematic
numerous; many
few in number
uncountable; innumerable
variety of goods; number of articles
herring roe
number of persons; numerical strength; head count
in great numbers
a number of days
trouble; bother; number of moves (in go, shogi, etc.); number of punches (in boxing)
trouble; bother
frequency; number of times; incidence
many; a multiplicity of
violence by weight of numbers; tyranny of the majority
numerical; quantitative
to make up the number; to have a complete set of
number of characters; number of letters; word count
making the numbers balance; fixing the numbers; number-juggling; making up the numbers (e.g. to form a majority)
number of words; vocality
to deal with a large number
to count; to include in the number
although there are many of them
number of colors
number of rooms
counting; counting game
number of possible outcomes; number of ways (e.g. of arranging something)
unlucky number
number of divisions; count
pip card; spot card
agranulocytosis (not enough white blood cells)
Examples (62 in total)
Accidents have increased in number.
He can't count.
The number of automobiles has been increasing.