1. head
2. hair (on one's head)
3. leader; chief; boss; captain
4. top; tip
5. beginning; start
Pitch accent
Top 28800
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis); head lice
close-cropped hair; shaven head
bald head; baldness
from the beginning; without hesitation; flatly (e.g. refusing); entirely; completely
being preoccupied with; being obsessed; only thinking of; having only ... on one's mind
tip of one's nose
a head (e.g. taller or shorter); noticeable difference (in competitors' results)
unsparingly; without listening to the other party; without giving the other party a chance to explain
insane; crazy; nuts; out of one's mind
thoughts; thinking
gray or silver haired (grey)
obstinate person; stubbornness; pigheadedness; hard head (like a rock)
top-heavy; big-headed; overly-theoretical
ignoring; bypassing; doing something without consultation; going over someone's head
being very forgetful; having a bad memory
down payment; deposit
hair ornament; headdress
close-cropped head
salt and pepper hair; dark hair streaked with gray
sharing equally (costs, profits, etc.); splitting equally
crazy; disturbed; mad
cueing (e.g. a magnetic tape, recording) (cuing); cue; feeding (e.g. paper under a print head); feed; document loading
black hair that has been dyed blond after the roots begin to grow in at the top giving an appearance much like custard pudding; (lit.) pudding head
flat part on the top of the cranium
chief; leader; head; executive
number of persons; numerical strength; head count
hairstyle; shape of one's head
wigless head; head of natural hair; intelligence; comprehension; smarts
large head; person with a large head
flat part of the top of the cranium; plate-like depression on the top of a kappa's head
someone with hair combed in stripes across their bald spot
faith is mysterious; faith is weird; (lit.) even a pilchard's head (can be revered) through faith
head like a hammer
the more learned, the more humble; the boughs bearing the most hang lowest
Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants
combover; comb-over; (lit.) bamboo screen head (due to looking like the slats of a bamboo screen)
person who steals money from the workplace; embezzler; untrustworthy person
take a long walk off a short pier; go stick your head in a pig; (lit.) bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die
unsparingly; without listening to the other party; without giving the other party a chance to explain
hard-headed; stubborn
bright intelligence
pattern of Japanese accent with the first mora high and the following ones low
head harness; strap
the more learned, the more humble; the boughs bearing the most hang lowest
Examples (77 in total)
Watch your head!
My head is itchy.
My head is throbbing.