1. 10,000; ten thousand
萬 is sometimes used in legal documents
Adjective (の)
2. myriad
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
Japanese witch-hazel (Hamamelis japonica); bumper crop; abundant harvest
swastika (esp. counterclockwise form as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; swastika-shaped family crest; wow; yeah
(if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that; (unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario)
Examples (58 in total)
I bought a camera for 30,000 yen.
Millions of wild animals live in Alaska.
I sold the picture for 20,000 yen.
I owe him 50,000 yen.
You can see millions of stars on this hill.
Millions of trees have been cut down for fuel.
My school library has a collection of 2.5 million books.
In addition to about 30,000 yen, the wallet contained his driver's license.
Tom has over three million dollars deposited in that bank.
That job brings him in an extra 60,000 yen a month.
This month's salary was 200,000 yen.
My salary is 300,000 yen.
The profit will amount to three million dollars.
The loss amounted to $2,000,000.
We can't live on 150,000 yen a month.
The loss reached three million yen.
My monthly salary is 300,000 yen.
His monthly income amounts to half a million yen.
He earns 300,000 yen a month.
He bought a bicycle for fifty thousand yen.
The picture was priced at 200,000 yen.
There are around 20,000 castles in Germany.
This watch cost 70,000 yen.
He invested 500,000 yen in stocks.
He earns half a million yen a month.
About two million pounds of flour are exported annually.
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing.
The expenditure totaled 200,000 yen.
I have an income of 50,000 yen a month.
400,000 gallons of oil have spilled out of the pipeline.
I paid 40,000 yen for this tape recorder.
Each year, twenty-seven million acres of the tropical rainforests are destroyed.
The new model will retail for 30,000 yen.
The novel has sold almost 20,000 copies.
I profited 200,000 yen yesterday.
The city has a population of about four million.
This dictionary contains not less than fifty thousand words.
I have a deposit of 500,000 yen at the bank.
They assessed the land at nine million yen.
I am given a monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.
I paid twenty thousand yen for this hearing aid.
This dictionary contains about 40,000 headwords.
It's tax exempt if it's less than ¥50,000.
General Motors laid off 76,000 workers.
This old book is worth 50,000 yen.
This library has more than 50,000 volumes.
The hosiery factory produces 600,000 pairs of socks a day.
The dictionary contains about half a million words.
I give my mother fifty thousand yen on payday every month.
The hijacker demanded a ransom of two million dollars.
The light travels at about 186,000 miles a second.
I want a map of Texas on a scale of 1 to 250000.
The lodger next door lives on about 30,000 yen a month.
The average American wedding costs about $30,000.
She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.
The site gets more than 30 million visits a day.
The company's profit amounted to $250 million before tax.
In the U.S., as many as 216 million firearms are said to be in private hands.