1. gate
2. branch of learning based on the teachings of a single master
when read as "もん"
3. division; phylum
when read as "もん"
4. counter for cannons
when read as "もん"
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (136 in total)
study; scholarship; learning; discipline; branch of learning; (a) science
speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise
gate with a crossbar
Examples (48 in total)
Open the gate.
Shut the gate.
Lock the gate.
The gate is open now.
I'll wait for you at the front gate.
Who closed the gate?
The gate was left open.
The gate is closed at six.
Please lock the gate.
They were waiting for the gate to open.
He was standing at the gate.
Someone is standing at the gate.
The car is waiting in front of the gate.
The gate admits to the garden.
The gate was too narrow for the truck.
The car passed through a gate.
Who's the man leaning against the gate?
She crouched down by the gate.
The gate is closed at eight.
The crowd pressed toward the gate.
I went through the gate out onto the street.
The gate is closed all the year round.
There's a cat in front of the gate.
Her friend waited for her by the gate.
The gate is too narrow for the car.
Will you take me to the gate?
Several girls are standing beside the gate.
The car is waiting at the gate.
A tall boy is standing at the gate.
The gate had already been closed when he returned.
I painted the gate blue.
This gate needs to be painted.
The gatekeeper permitted me through the gate.
She was afraid of the dog at the gate.
The gate is wide enough for the car to go through.
The old man stood still at the gate.
Do they always keep the dog tied to the gate?
Two soldiers kept guard at the gate.
He stood by the gate, rubbing his hands together.
Tom told me to shut the gate.
Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate.
The lady standing by the gate is a famous singer.
There you see the gate that Mr. Jones built.
There used to be a statue of a lion at the gate.
Kate's dog was barking at Brian at the gate at noon.
I parked my car by the gate.
I was asked to open the gate.
The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.