Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. fashion; trend; vogue; craze; fad; popularity
Verb (する)
2. prevalence (of a disease); epidemic
Pitch accent
Composed of
fashion; way; school (of thought); class; rank; current (electrical, water, etc.)
going; travelling; act; action; bank; counter for banks; counter for groups or parties of people
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
big craze; boom; popular trend; widespread contagion; large outbreak
buzzword; vogue word; popular phrase
Examples (23 in total)
Fashions change quickly.
She is sensitive to current fashions.
What's in fashion in Paris?
This is the latest fashion.
Mini-skirts are back in fashion again.
Long skirts were in fashion in those days.
Long dresses have come in fashion this year.
This is a song which is popular now.
Long skirts are very much in fashion.
The movie is popular with young people.
Hats should be popular next year.
Gardening has been popular for some years.
This dress was in fashion in those days.
It is fashionable to have leather chairs.
Fashions grow old and die.
This style of hat is now in fashion.
Black coats are in fashion this winter.
Most of the other students wore trendy clothes.
The French style of dress is in vogue now.
In the first place, fashions change very quickly.
It is doubtful whether her song will become popular.
This song was popular in the 1970s.
That kind of dress is now in fashion.