1. box; case; chest; package; pack; crate
2. car (of a train, etc.)
3. shamisen case; shamisen
4. public building; community building
often written as ハコ
5. man who carries a geisha's shamisen
6. receptacle for human waste; feces (faeces)
7. counter for boxes (or boxed objects)
Pitch accent
Top 36100
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
one's favourite party trick (favorite); one's specialty; one's forte
Japanese aspen (Populus tremula var. sieboldii)
three boxes; three box-shaped things; three containers
a (one) box
public building; community building; box-shaped item of furniture (e.g. chest of drawers, bookcase); boxed gift
bluespotted boxfish (Ostracion immaculatus); boxfish (any fish of family Ostraciidae); trunkfish
miniature garden
cased; boxed; precious; cherished; girl who has been sheltered from the world; one's special talent
box; box-shape; cube-type
box-shaped (horse-drawn) carriage
Pandora's box
Hakone ekiden; Hakone long-distance relay race
boxing; packing into a box; something packed into a box
box made of paulownia wood; paulownia box
bottom of a box
box maker; man who carries a geisha's shamisen
three boxes; three box-shaped things; three containers
brazier encased in a wooden box
(being a) fan of an entire music group (esp. idol group); not having a favorite member of a group
pillow with a box-shaped wooden base
leaning out of a car or train window
Ark of the Covenant
oshizushi; sushi rice and other ingredients pressed in box or mould (mold)
train or bus thief
Ark of the Lord
swing seat; swing with usu. two facing seats (playground equipment)
Japanese clawed salamander (Onychodactylus japonicus)
water glass; hydroscope; box, etc. with glass bottom for viewing underwater
recycling bin; recycling box
Japanese spear lobster (Linuparus trigonus)
box jellyfish (Cubozoa spp.); sea wasp
Xbox fanboy; Xbox fangirl
box-and-whisker plot; box-and-whisker diagram; box plot; boxplot
front company; shell corporation
Adiantum monochlamys (species of maidenhair fern)
Examples (136 in total)
There is a box.
I put it in a box.
I don't have a box.