Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. cooperation; collaboration
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
collaborator; cooperator; coworker; ally
cooperation; collaboration
cooperative relation; cooperative relationship; collaborative relationships; cooperative structure; cooperative ties; cooperative alliance
cooperative; helpful
readiness to cooperate; framework for cooperation
combined (concerted) efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)
bilateral cooperation
technical cooperation
international cooperation
economic cooperation
combined (concerted) efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)
military cooperation
cooperative delivery vehicle (esp. for deliveries between libraries); liaison vehicle
sales cooperative; sales cooperation
high-tension steel
cooperation between the private and public sectors
peace collaboration
European Political Co-operation; EPC
agreement to cooperate
cooperation with the government from outside the cabinet
Examples (17 in total)
I'd be happy to cooperate.
We'll be happy to cooperate.
I was asked to cooperate with them for the criminal investigation.