Adjective (の)
1. construction; framework; erection; assembly; organization; organisation
Pitch accent
Composed of
class (of students); group (of people); party; lot; bunch; crime family; organized-crime syndicate
central; main; just (done); freshly (baked); counter for consecutive losses
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
prefabricated; knockdown; demountable (e.g. motor); flatpack (furniture)
assembly line
assembler (e.g. in a factory); assemblyman; fitter
prefabricated housing
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
cell assembly and disassembly
packet assembler-disassembler; PAD
Examples (2 in total)
This bookcase is easy to assemble.
The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane.