1. battle; fight; war; struggle; conflict
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
Battle of Sekigahara (1600)
playoff for the tournament win with three wrestlers participating
Battle of Nagashino (1575)
Examples (24 in total)
The fight is over.
We won the battle.
The Battle of North Africa was over.
We were lucky to win the battle.
You can't fight a good fight with such a defeatist attitude.
This is the place where the battle took place.
The soldiers are ready for battle.
He is said to have taken part in the battle.
A fierce battle was fought by the soldiers.
If you wish for peace, prepare for war.
The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.
That fight seemed like a life-or-death struggle.
The government and industry are cooperating to fight pollution.
This is the place where the battle of Hastings took place.
The battle was won at the price of many lives.
Doctors have made great strides in their fight against cancer.
The story of his brave struggle affected us deeply.
Napoleon's army now advanced and a great battle begins.
The allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle.
It will be very important whether we win the battle or not.
They won the battle at the cost of many lives.
The president called on the people to unite in fighting poverty and disease.
The long fight ended in 1920.
The document records that the war broke out in 1700.