Verb (する)
1. salary; pay; compensation; allowance (e.g. housing allowance); benefit; bonus
esp. 手当
2. medical care; treatment
esp. 手当て
3. advance preparation
esp. 手当て
Pitch accent
Composed of
hand; arm; forepaw; foreleg; handle; hand; worker
aim; object; expectations; prospects; something that can be relied upon; snack served with alcoholic drink; pad
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
first-aid (treatment)
holiday allowance; allowance for working at weekends or on a holiday
executive allowance
unemployment allowance
child-rearing assistance; support for young parents; child-care allowance
child benefit; child allowance
a family allowance
housing allowance
various allowances; (other) benefits
maternity allowance; childbirth allowance
accident and sickness benefits; disability allowance
salary supplement, e.g. for work performed at inconvenient times or as overtime allowance usually for so-called exempt workers, i.e. workers who are expected to work a certain number of overtime hours
salary supplement, usu. paid for mid-ranking employees
funding (something); financing (something); making money available
allowance for non-salaried wrestlers during tournaments
travel allowance; commuting allowance
area allowance
marriage allowance
salary supplement, usu. paid for higher ranking employees
adjustment payment; compensatory payment; indemnity payment; severance (termination) pay; settlement payment; gratuity
healthcare allowance; medical stipend
layoff allowance; closure allowance