Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. alliance; union; league
Pitch accent
Composed of
the same; the said; likewise
alliance; aimag; league; administrative subdivision in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
allied armies
military alliance
triple alliance
Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902-1923)
Satchō Alliance; 1866 alliance between the feudal domains of Satsuma and Chōshū
offensive and defensive alliance
Holy Alliance (of Russia, Austria and Prussia in 1815)
treaty of alliance
association formed to carry out an objective
non-alignment; nonalignment
Confederation of the Rhine (1806-1813)
Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
Delian League (the Athenian empire)
Hanseatic League
boycott; buyer's strike
Christian Democratic Union (Germany); Christian Democrats; CDU
shipping conference
labor federation; labour federation
monetary union
producer-retailer alliance
Maratha Confederacy
monetary union
Examples (5 in total)
Germany made an alliance with Italy.
The two countries were leagued with each other.
They aligned themselves with the Liberals.