1. talk; speech; chat; conversation
2. topic; subject
3. discussions; negotiation; argument
4. rumor; talk; hearsay
5. tale; story; fable
6. circumstances; particulars
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Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
story; tale; talk; discussion
good story; heartwarming story; good prospect (e.g. marriage, business)
professional comic (rakugo) storyteller
discussion; talk; tête-à-tête; conference
that's a different matter; that's a different story
good story; heartwarming story; good prospect (e.g. marriage, business)
way of talking; speaking style
person with whom to speak; someone to talk to; companion; advisor; adviser
conversation (just) between you and me; confidential talk
a long way off; matter for the future; not going to happen anytime soon
matter being discussed (e.g. in a private conversation); it's not your business; it doesn't matter (to you); our side of the story (in contrast to another's version)
in short; in a nutshell; in a word; to cut a long story short
matter being discussed (e.g. in a private conversation); our side of the story (in contrast to another's version)
too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
taking a story with a grain of salt; discounting half the story
down to earth; reasonable
sequel of a story
talkative person; gossip
topic of conversation
speaker; one who is skilled at speaking
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker
spoken language; colloquial expression
busy (phone); in talks; discussion underway
one's way of talking
curiously enough; oddly enough; strange to tell
changing the subject; on a different note; by the way
spooky tale; ghost story
serious topic (of conversation)
worth talking to
Examples (200 in total)
A really lovely story!
I don't want to talk about it.
Who did you want to talk to?