Adjective (い)
Usually written in kana
1. cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe
2. violent; intense; strong; heavy; extreme
3. very bad; terrible; awful
4. excessive; exorbitant; unreasonable; outrageous; unfair; unjust
Pitch accent
Top 700
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
to have a bad time; to go through a bitter experience; to get into trouble; to get hurt; to suffer
to have a bad time; to go through a bitter experience; to get into trouble; to get hurt; to suffer
severe; harsh
Examples (125 in total)
It's not that bad.
That's terrible.
It hurts terribly.
I have a bad cold.
The weather's terrible.
It's raining hard.
The air here is terrible.
He is a cruel person.
She was in a hurry.
I have terrible pains.
Yeah. I'm super worn-out.
It snowed hard yesterday.
He is much disliked.
It must've been a terrible accident.
A hard wind is blowing.
The heat is terrible today.
I have a terrible headache.
He was very poor.
Monday was a horrible day.
We suffered heavy damage from the typhoon.
I had a terrible stomachache.
I have bad breath.
The smog was very heavy today.
I feel terrible today.
The situation gets worse and worse.
This room is awfully cold.
My friend is seriously injured.
He was treated terribly.
Both the house and the garden are in a bad state.
His car was seriously damaged.
He was very angry about that.
This medicine tastes horrible.
I've been badly bitten by mosquitoes.
He was terribly poor when he was young.
I'm very tired from work.
Tom's bag was badly damaged.
Is my French really that bad?
The meat was giving off a terrible smell.
Diet drinks taste terrible.
The economy was in miserable condition.
Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.
You may get a serious disease.
The storm did heavy damage to the crops.
He hates Nancy.
I have horrible morning sickness. I can't eat anything.
Traffic on the street was really terrible.
He is very ill with pneumonia.
Sanitary conditions in the refugee camps were terrible.
It's terribly cold. I think I'm going to catch a cold.
She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her.
Never have I heard so terrible a story.
She came damn late.
We saw terrible scenes on TV.
I had an awful time at the conference.
This is the worst hotel in town.
I made a serious mistake on the test.
This bike is awful; it's too heavy.
We were all shaking from the bitter cold.
The food was terrible -all the same I didn't complain.
The garbage is giving off a terrible smell.
He went out in spite of the heavy rain.
They serve terrible food at that restaurant.
The people resisted their cruel ruler.
We couldn't go out because of the snowstorm.
I was terribly confused by his question.
He said he was suffering from a bad headache.
I felt the house shaking terribly.
While he was sick, he lost a lot of weight.
I'm sorry that you've been badly injured.
Yesterday, there was a terrible accident on the highway.
Walter was taken aback by John's cruel insult.
The piano was out of tune; it sounded very bad.
My cough is getting worse.
It gets very humid here in the summer.
Left alone, she felt very tired.
The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident.
He is greatly troubled about that job.
Yesterday I saw a man who was crying bitterly.
I couldn't come because of the heavy rain.
We were late for school because it rained heavily.
When she awoke, she felt terribly cold.
That car is no doubt in an awful condition.
You'll understand how terrible this accident was when you read the article.
It will get very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow.
She wept when she heard the terrible news.
I got terrible grades this term.
The village was isolated by the heavy storm.
John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking.
Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears.
I've never been this sick before.
Her behavior at the party was far from perfect.
I don't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful.
He speaks English with a strong German accent.
Never in my life have I heard such a terrible story!
The trip was canceled because of the terrible storm.
We are suffering from a severe water shortage this summer.
Many men were badly wounded in the battle.
I got a horrible shock when I saw the car accident.
The city is notorious for its polluted air.
Dr. Patterson: Yes, it was horrible.
He was very worried about having to spend Christmas in the hospital.
The boy pretended to be too sick to go to school.
Hearing the terrible noise, I asked him what was going on.
The reason I could not attend the meeting was that I had a severe headache.
You had better go to bed right away, or your cold will get worse.
I'm terribly busy because the report deadline is near.
The conflict between blacks and whites in the city became worse.
This scandal has severely damaged the public image of our company.
There is still serious racial hatred against black people.
It was raining hard, so we played indoors.
Chris injured his leg playing tennis and is in a lot of pain.
"I've never been this sick, ever," said Tom.
The outside walls of the auditorium are terribly stained. It is, in part, due to acid rain.
He must be very tired after a long walk.
The train was so crowded that I had to keep standing all the way.
It would be unfair if we treated him so badly.
The problems of air and water pollution will be intensified by the growth of inhabitants.
I have a terrible toothache.
The cold was the worst in fifty years.
Lack of food made them very hungry.
Nothing can be worse than that.
Don't go outside. It's raining hard.
Having been busy all day yesterday, I feel very tired this morning.
This river is so polluted that fish can no longer live in it.
Why has Japan let pollution get so bad?