1. parents; both parents
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1600
Composed of
both (hands, parents, sides, etc.); counter for carriages (e.g. in a train); counter for vehicles; ryō; tael; ryō; pre-Meiji unit of currency, orig. the value of one ryō of gold
intimacy; closeness; close relative; pro- (e.g. pro-American)
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
(somebody else's) parents; both parents
(somebody else's) parents; both parents
Examples (198 in total)
My parents got divorced.
My parents are old.
I went to see my parents.
Your parents didn't come, did they?
He found his parents.
She has lost both her parents.
I am loved by my parents.
He lives with his parents.
My parents haven't come home yet.
Let me introduce you to my parents.
He is trusted by his parents.
I'm used to being ignored by my parents.
My parents live in Kyoto.
He made his parents happy.
Elizabeth is independent of her parents.
Get in touch with your parents immediately.
Be polite to your parents.
I wonder how old Tom's parents are.
I don't want to be any more burden to my parents.
Al Smith's parents came from Ireland.
He lives apart from his parents.
Today is my parents' wedding anniversary.
They aren't my parents.
My parents had me go there.
Would you like to come to my parents' house?
His parents acted to calm him down.
She married without her parents' knowledge.
His parents expect too much of him.
I live here with my parents.
He doesn't resemble either of his parents.
They visited their parents yesterday.
He is still dependent on his parents.
Both of my parents can't swim.
He owes his success to his parents.
His parents took him for a walk.
Great was the sorrow of her parents.
His parents ran a hotel.
You mustn't tell that to your parents.
Our parents live right across the street from us.
My parents have just arrived at the station.
Children usually have faith in their parents.
The boy is obedient to his parents.
He said good night to his parents.
Lucy made her parents happy.
I met your parents yesterday.
Both of his parents are well.
Both of my parents love each other.
I introduced Mary to my parents.
Children often bother their parents.
He is economically independent of his parents.
The parents named their baby Akira.
Both of my parents have passed away.
Both of my parents do not play golf.
Tom's parents moved to Australia.
His parents live in Switzerland.
I'll take care of my parents when they get old.
He appreciates his parents' love.
Should I fail, what would my parents say?
The boy made his parents happy.
My parents were born in Aichi Prefecture.
Parents may favor the youngest child in the family.
Both of Tom's parents went to college.
It's about time you were independent of your parents.
I'm economically independent of my parents.
My parents made me go there.
He was never to see his parents again.
I would like you to meet my parents.
The boy was forced to quit school by his parents.
It is fortunate that you have such parents.
Can you help me find my parents, please?
The parents succeeded in calming him down.
My parents live near the ocean.
Your parents ought to know it.
Have you acquainted your parents with your plans?
I ought to have consulted my parents on the matter.
The boy is totally dependent on his parents.
She became aware that her parents were watching her.
The question is whether my parents will agree or not.
I made known my intentions to my parents.
Now I'll introduce my parents to you.
I wrote a letter to my parents at home.
The parents have brought up the child well.
She has a great affection for her parents.
My parents were satisfied with my grades this year.
My parents have kicked me out of the house.
My parents don't know where I am.
I owe it to my parents that I am so healthy.
You are old enough to be independent of your parents.
My parents taught me how to drive.
My parents were there waiting for me.
Not only she but also her parents were invited to the party.
My parents' generation went through the war.
They don't always obey their parents.
Now that I have a job, I can be independent of my parents.
He was born to poor parents.
My parents aren't old yet.
A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it.
The parents try to amuse their baby with a toy.
The boy was accompanied by his parents.
Bob seldom writes to his parents.
Children imitate their parents' habits.
My parents told me we should respect the elderly.
Tom told me he wants to meet my parents.
It's not fair to attribute your failure to your parents.
Not only Jim but his parents are sick.
I promised my parents that I'd study French.
If your parents heard of your success, they would be proud of you.
Tom's parents love me.
My parents also have a farm.
Does he often call his parents at home?
My parents objected to my traveling alone, saying it would be dangerous.
My parents sent me a postcard.
The salesman talked my parents into buying a set of encyclopedias.
He gave a good impression to my parents.
Adolescents often quarrel with their parents.
Junko still depends on her parents for her living expenses.
My parents run a pension for skiers.
Then I felt that my parents really loved me.
My parents are familiar with her friend.
One of my parents has to go to the meeting.
Parents are responsible for their children's education.
Both my parents are at home now.
We obey our parents because we honor them and we love them.
I was often at odds with my parents.
My parents always make me do my homework before I go out.
My parents love him.
My parents were surprised to hear the news.
Our parents took care of us and now it's our turn to take care of them.
I want to introduce you to my parents next Saturday.
He ran away from home without the knowledge of his parents.
It's wrong to blame the parents every time a young person commits suicide.
He often writes to his parents in Japan.
I never fail to write to my parents every month.
The girl, like her parents, was very sympathetic.
You lean on your parents too much. You must be more independent.
My parents accompanied me to the airport.
Why do American parents praise their children?
After their parents died, their grandparents brought them up.
My parents enjoy skiing every winter.
He debated on the problem with his parents.
If I should fail, what would my parents say?
In looking back, I feel deeply grateful to my parents.
Jim's parents agreed to his marriage with Susan.
My parents read books and magazines, but I read more.
My parents leave for New Zealand next Saturday.
The boy may have told a lie to please his parents.
Brian barely has enough money so he consulted his parents.
His parents are saving for his college education.
What will become of the children now that both parents are dead?
Children imitate their friends rather than their parents.
My parents objected to my going there alone.
At the time we got married, his parents had already died.
When I met her the other day, she asked about my parents.
His parents helped whoever asked for their help.
When he got into trouble, he turned to his parents for help.
My parents expect me to enter the university.
She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents.
How disappointed my parents would be, if I should fail!
I couldn't but sympathize with the girl who had lost her parents in the accident.
She went against her parents' wishes and married the foreigner.
Both my parents came to see me off at the airport.
John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe.
Her story brings back memories of my parents.
His parents go to church every Sunday.
Apart from his parents, no one knows him very well.
He must be crazy to treat his parents like this.
He is very concerned about his elderly parent's health.
Both of Tom's parents passed away when he was quite young.
My grandfather founded and my parents developed this company.
When I woke up this morning, both of my parents had gone to work.
My parents are Spanish, but I was born in Argentina.
My parents and little brother, who lived in the suburbs of Tokyo, died in the big earthquake.
My parents tried to convert me to their way of thinking.
The girl talked to her parents about her college life in Tokyo.
I refused to eat until my parents came home.
A good son is always anxious to please his parents.
My parents had already eaten by the time I got home.
Apart from his parents, no one knows him well.
It is always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents.
Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect.
Jenny could not ignore her parents' desire for her safety.
All of my kids went to Boston to visit my parents.
Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American.
Benson and Holmes analyzed the psychological effect of artificial insemination on parents.
As the train pulled out, they waved goodbye to their parents.
His parents' view was that he was wasting his earnings on a silly girl.
After I graduated from college, I moved back home and lived with my parents for three years.
My parents are travelling overseas for a week.
You are to obey your parents.
I said "good night" to my parents and went to bed.
Even though he's 38, he's still dependent on his parents.
He never fails write to his parents once a month.
Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.
Peter talks with his parents in the United States on the phone at least once a week.
He never fails to write to his parents once a month.
I sometimes help my parents in the shop after school.
You must not forget to write to your parents at least once a month.