1. counter for birds, rabbits, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
fluff; fuzz; nap; hachures; hatching
figured; patterned; figured haori (coat)
battle surcoat
chicken wing
trio; triumvirate; three famous retainers
"Helping Hands" comedy performance; performance in which one person wears a haori on their shoulders, while another person behind them puts their arms through the sleeves of the haori and feeds the person in front
blue-black (color, colour)
arrow feathers
trio; triumvirate; three famous retainers
tail feathers
plume; ornamental feather
jet black
large fan-shaped object held by an attendant and used to conceal the face of a noble, etc.
glossy black
summer haori (coat)
large Japanese pilchard
waist-high wainscoting; waist-high wainscotting
figured haori (coat)
sleeveless haori
Hibari Station
Examples (11 in total)
Some of the birds didn't fly.
Several birds were flying in the air.
Two crows are flying in the sky.